BR Larne2007-1Tim01-Jim Allen-Ch1-The Defence of its Godliness.mp3
BR Larne2007-1Tim02-Jim Allen-Ch1-The Defence of its Godliness.mp3
BR Larne2007-1Tim03-Phil Harding-Ch2-The Declaration of its Gospel.mp3
BR Larne2007-1Tim04-Phil Harding-Ch2-The Declaration of its Gospel.mp3
BR Larne2007-1Tim05-R McKeown-Ch3-The Dignity of its Guides.mp3
BR Larne2007-1Tim06-R McKeown-Ch3-The Dignity of its Guides.mp3
BR Larne2007-1Tim07-Jim Baker-Ch4-The Development of its Gift.mp3
BR Larne2007-1Tim08-Jim Baker-Ch4-The Development of its Gift.mp3