Monday Mediation
by A J Higgins
She will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21
There is a clear division of responsibility here: Mary would give birth; Joseph would give a name. There are perhaps seven ways in which the Spirit of God “protects” the teaching of the virgin birth of Christ in Matthew Chapter 1. Joseph’s naming of the child would make Him legally Joseph’s Son. The genealogy which preceded this verse shows Him to be the legal heir to David’s throne. But the heir to the throne must first “save His people from their sins.”
Questions for thought:
- How many words are recorded as having been spoken by Joseph?
- The genealogy of Matthew 1 begins with the Lord Jesus as Son of David and Son of Abraham. What marked out Isaac and Solomon and how do they prefigure Christ?
- Think of all that was involved in saving “his people from their sins.”