(This book was written by Norman Crawford, a godly and very able teacher of the Word of God. Norman Crawford passed on to Glory on August 16/2017. Follow this link for an overview of his life written by Sandy Higgins, Tribute to Norman Crawford)
Preface (pages 9-10)
Introduction: Laws of Interpretation (pages 11-16)
Ch1: A Scriptural Definition of the Church (pages 17-24)
Ch2: A Simple Description of a Local Assembly (pages 25-37)
Ch3: Significant Distinctions between the Body and an Assembly (pages 38-45)
Ch4: Singular Demonstration of Testimony (pages 46-53)
Ch5: Supreme Declaration of the Death of Christ (pages 54-63)
Ch6: Sincere Devotion, Place of Worship (pages 64-72)
Ch7: Sovereign Display, Headship (pages 73-81)
Ch8: Spiritual Dependence in Gathering and Government (pages 82-89)
Ch9: Spiritual Dependence in Gifts (pages 90-97)
Ch10: Spiritual Dependence in Priesthood (pages 98-105)
Ch11: Assembly Gospel Testimony (pages 106-117)
Ch12: Assembly Reception (pages 118-128)
Ch13: Fellowship Between Assemblies (pages 129-140)
Ch14: Ministry of Women in the Two Testaments (pages 141-149)
Ch15: Godly Women of the Early Assemblies (pages 150-159)
Ch16: Assembly Singing (pages 160-166)
Ch17: Traditions of Scripture (pages 167-180)
Ch18: Assembly Discipline (1) (pages 181-187)
Ch19: Assembly Discipline (2) (pages 188-197)
Ch20: Assembly Discipline (3) (pages 198-206)
Ch21: Assembly Giving (pages 207-214)
Glossary of Terms (pages 215-232)
Bibliography (pages 233-238)
Subject Index (pages 239-244)
Scripture Index (pages 245-255)