Browse Bible Doctrines
- Headship, Head Coverings and Hair
- Verses that prove that Jesus Christ is the Eternal God - Scott G MacLeod
- Prophecy 101 - (01)Why Prophecy Matters
- Prophecy 101 - (02)When Prophecy Becomes History
- Prophecy 101 - (03)Daniel 9
- Prophecy 101 - (04)The Rapture
- Prophecy 101 - (05)The Judgement Seat of Christ
- Prophecy 101 - (06)The Marriage of the Lamb
- Prophecy 101 - (07)Revelation 4 & 5
- Prophecy 101 - (08)The Tribulation part1
- Prophecy 101 - (09)The Tribulation part2
- Prophecy 101 - (10)Towards Armageddon
- Prophecy 101 - (11)Return of the King
- Prophecy 101 - (12)The Glorious Appearing
- Prophecy 101 - (13)The Millennium part1
- Prophecy 101 - (14)The Millennium part2
- Prophecy 101 - (15)The Millennium part3
- Prophecy 101 – (17)The Eternal State
- Prophecy 101 - (16)The Millennium and Its Conclusion
- Prophecy 101 -(18) Conclusion
- Millennial 101 - A Millennial or A-Millennial Future: Which? Part 1 by David McAllister
- Millennial 101 - A Millennial or A-Millennial Future: Which? Part 2 by David McAllister
- Millennial 101 - A Millennial or A-Millennial Future: Which? Part 3 by David McAllister
- Millennial 101 - A Millennial or A-Millennial Future: Which? Part 4 by David McAllister
- Millennial 101 - A Millennial or A-Millennial Future: Which? Part 5 by David McAllister
- Millennial 101 - A Millennial or A-Millennial Future: Which? Part 6 by David McAllister
- Millennial 101 - A Millennial or A-Millennial Future: Which? Part 7 by David McAllister
- Millennial 101 - A Millennial or A-Millennial Future: Which? Part 8 by David McAllister
- Millennial 101 - A Millennial or A-Millennial Future: Which? Part 9 by David McAllister
- The Use of 'Thee' & 'Thou' - K. L. Cooper
- Amillennialism Examined - David McAllister
- Daniel's 70th Week by Jim Allen
- The Person of Christ (01): Introduction by David McAllister
- The Person of Christ (02): His Underived Eternal Sonship by David McAllister
- The Person of Christ (03): His Unnatural Virgin Birth by David McAllister
- The Person of Christ (04): His Undiminished Deity by David McAllister
- The Person of Christ (05): His Uncompromising Humanity by David McAllister
- Deacons or Servants - Larry Steers
- Jesus Christ is God (01) - 1 John 5:20
- Jesus Christ is God (02) - John 8:24
- Jesus Christ is God (03) - Revelation 1:4-8
- The Person of Christ (06): His Untainted Impeccability
- The Autonomy of the Local Assembly by Ken Cooper
- Why I Believe That We Should Break Bread Only on the First Day of the Week by Ken Cooper
- Assembly Gatherings by Ken Cooper
- Traditions by A. J. Higgins
- The Lies of the Versions - Jim MacIntosh
- Why a 'Back Seat'? by Norman Crawford
- Christian Worldview on Marriage by Sandy Higgins
- The Person of Christ (07): His Unchallenged Authority
- Prophecy: Israel Judged & Rewarded
- Assembly Truth - Letters of Commendation
- Christian Worldview: Debility & Euthanasia by A. J. Higgins
- Q & A - What does 1Peter 4:1-2 mean?
- The Person of Christ (08) - His Unquestioned Death
- Chart of a Timeline of Covenants, Dispensations & Programs of God
- Christ's Bodily Resurrection by David Cloud
- Elders in the Local Church/Assembly
- Local Assembly Reception by Walter Gustafson
- Lutheran New Testament Removes the word 'Israel' - David Cloud
- Are the modern translations correct to replace the older phrase ‘only begotten’ with the newer phrase ‘one and only son’?
- Doctrinal Statements(4) - Righteousness by John Meekin
- Why a 'Back Seat'? by Norman Crawford
- Doctrinal Statements(6) - Reconciliation by John Meekin
- Seat of the Unlearned or Backseat by Larry Steers
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Category Archives: Bible Doctrines
Seat of the Unlearned or Backseat by Larry Steers
Posted in Articles, Bible Doctrines, Maritime Ministry, The Church, Various
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Doctrinal Statements(6) – Reconciliation by John Meekin
Posted in Articles, Bible Doctrines, Maritime Ministry, Various
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Why a ‘Back Seat’? by Norman Crawford
Posted in Articles, Bible Doctrines, Maritime Ministry, The Bible
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Doctrinal Statements(4) – Righteousness by John Meekin
Posted in Articles, Bible Doctrines, Maritime Ministry, The Bible
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Are the modern translations correct to replace the older phrase ‘only begotten’ with the newer phrase ‘one and only son’?
by Jim MacIntosh The short answer is ‘No’, but we need to keep in mind that Jesus Christ is the only eternal Son of the Father but the Father has many sons which will be explained below. What prompted this … Continue reading
Posted in Articles, Bible Doctrines, Maritime Ministry, Various
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Lutheran New Testament Removes the word ‘Israel’ – David Cloud
by David Cloud LUTHERAN NEW TESTAMENT REMOVES THE WORD “ISRAEL” (Friday Church News Notes, April 24, 2020,, 866-295-4143) – A New Testament published by the Danish Bible Society has removed the name Israel, except in one place. Called Bible 2020, it replaces Israel … Continue reading
Posted in Articles, Articles, Bible Doctrines, Israel, Textual Issues, The Bible, Translations, Various
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Local Assembly Reception by Walter Gustafson
Assembly Reception Pt1 by Walter Gustafson Why should we exercise care in reception? The Word of God warns us three times of the possibility of some coming into the assembly who should never be in a NT assembly. Paul warned … Continue reading
Posted in Articles, Bible Doctrines, The Church, The Faith, Various
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Elders in the Local Church/Assembly
Posted in Articles, Bible Doctrines, The Church, The Faith, Various
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Christ’s Bodily Resurrection by David Cloud
Christ’s Bodily Resurrection (Copied from David Cloud, January 18, 2018,,, 866-295-4143) “The tomb was empty; and the foes of Christ were unable to deny it” (Ernest Kevan, The Resurrection of Christ, 1961, p. 14). “I know pretty well … Continue reading
Posted in Articles, Bible Doctrines, Bible Facts, Bible History, The Bible, Various
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Chart of a Timeline of Covenants, Dispensations & Programs of God
A CHART OF A TIMELINE OF COVENANTS, DISPENSATION & PROGRAMS OF GOD (This chart was produced by Scott G MacLeod and is free for download and use) (The pdf can be downloaded and printed) Timeline of Covenants DispensationsPDF Back to … Continue reading
Posted in Articles, Bible Doctrines, Bible History, Charts, Israel, Prophecy, The Church, Various
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