Browse Phrases to Ponder
- (01) Servant of ...
- (02) Humility
- (03) Glory
- (04) Me serve...
- (05) Fences
- (06) The sense of a passage
- (07) Are you a little man?
- (08) Gossip
- (09) Fault finding...
- (10) Tale bearing...
- (11) Pride
- (12) Flattery vs Gossip
- (13) Accountability
- (14) Politeness
- (15) It's all about Me
- (16) Always remember when preaching...
- (17) A man that prays...
- (18) Smile
- (19) Be yourself
- (20) Good or evil
- (21) The love of money is the root...
- (22) Hate
- (23)Prejudice
- (24) Godliness
- (25) Faultfinding
- (26) Who do we worship?
- (27) Forgiveness
- (28) Your life...
- (29) The Tongue
- (30) Correcting faults...
- (31) Are you a 'small man' or a 'wise man'?
- (32) Big mind, small heart...
- (33) Are you a back talker?
- (34) Is that straight or crooked?
- (35) The ups and downs of life...
- (36) If it's not broke, don't fix it...
- (37) Happiness is...
- (38) Are you an 'excuser' or 'accuser'?
- (39) Where is your mind?
- (40) Are some people important or unimportant?
- (41) How's your outlook?
- (42) Fooling yourself or others...
- (43) Reasonable goals...
- (44) Are you patience?
- (45) Used what you have...
- (46) Understanding the Word of God
- (47) Can God use me?
- (48) Kindness
- (49) Smiles
- (50) God's work
- (51) Where is my trust?
- (52) Truth removes prejudices
- (53)Truth I know and don't know
- (54) Understanding others
- (55) Accountability...
- (56) Treasures
- (57) The Holy Bible
- Conscience and the Man in the Glass
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Category Archives: Phrases to Ponder
(48) Kindness
Kindness is irresistible, be it but sincere and not mock smile or mask assumed. For what can the most unconscionable of men do to thee if thou persist in being kindly to him? Marcus Aurelius
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(47) Can God use me?
To many are waiting for God to do something for them rather than with them. Ralph W. Sockman
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(46) Understanding the Word of God
Whoever would fully and feelingly understand the words of Christ, must endeavour to conform his life wholly to the life of Christ. Thomas A. Kemper
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(45) Used what you have…
Use what you have, that you may have more to use. Charles H. Spurgeon
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(44) Are you patience?
Patience can accomplish much. It blunts the edge of misfortunes. By its steady exertion, success can be won a little bit at a time. Unfortunately, though, patience sometimes is confused with procrastination. Be patient enough to live one day at … Continue reading
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(43) Reasonable goals…
I try to have no plans, the failure of which, would greatly annoy me. Half the unhappiness in the world, is due to the failure of plans, which were never reasonable, and often impossible. Edgar Watson Howe
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(42) Fooling yourself or others…
No one is fooled when you try to make someone think that you have more than you have, know more than you know, are more than you are. This is one of the most pitiful gestures any person can make. … Continue reading
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(41) How’s your outlook?
While the legalist is severe with others and charitable with himself, the true saint is severe with himself and understanding and loving with others. from Jerry’s notebook
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(40) Are some people important or unimportant?
Jesus Christ never met an unimportant person. God sent His Son to die for us, therefore, since someone died for you, you must be important! Dr. M. C. Cleveland
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(39) Where is your mind?
If you want to be miserable, think about yourself. If you want to be perplexed, think about others. If you want to be filled with joy, mediate on the Lord Jesus Christ. from Jerry’s notebook
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