Browse Various
- Master, carest Thou not?
- Just Something Little
- Knowing Right from Wrong-David Vallance
- Social Drinking-Andrew Ussher
- Thee/Thou...Archaic or Accurate?
- Social Drinking-Peter Ramsay
- Thomas Newberry Bible-pdf Format
- Doctrinal Statements-John Meekin
- Should I Dress Up When I Go To Meeting?
- Verses that prove that Jesus Christ is the Eternal God - Scott G MacLeod
- Some Differences Between the KJV & the ESV Part 1
- Some More Differences Between the KJV & the ESV Part 2
- Some More Differences Between the KJV & the ESV Part 3
- Some More Differences Between the KJV & the ESV Part 4
- Some More Differences Between the KJV & the ESV Part 5
- Some More Differences Between the KJV & the ESV Part 6
- Some More Differences Between the KJV & the ESV Part 7
- Eternal Punishment - Douglas MacLeod
- The Authorized Version - What Today’s Christian Needs to Know About the Authorized (King James) Version - by G. W. and D. E. Anderson
- Q & A - The Four Days of Scripture - Mark Sweetnam
- Addressing God - Norman Crawford
- Prophecy 101 - (01)Why Prophecy Matters
- Prophecy 101 - (02)When Prophecy Becomes History
- Prophecy 101 - (03)Daniel 9
- Prophecy 101 - (04)The Rapture
- Prophecy 101 - (05)The Judgement Seat of Christ
- Prophecy 101 - (06)The Marriage of the Lamb
- Prophecy 101 - (07)Revelation 4 & 5
- Prophecy 101 - (08)The Tribulation part1
- Prophecy 101 - (09)The Tribulation part2
- Prophecy 101 - (10)Towards Armageddon
- Prophecy 101 - (11)Return of the King
- Prophecy 101 - (12)The Glorious Appearing
- Prophecy 101 - (13)The Millennium part1
- Prophecy 101 - (14)The Millennium part2
- Prophecy 101 - (15)The Millennium part3
- Prophecy 101 – (17)The Eternal State
- Prophecy 101 - (16)The Millennium and Its Conclusion
- English Bible Translations (01) - David Vallance
- English Bible Translations (02) - David Vallance
- English Bible Translations (03) - Dynamic Equivalence Dangers - David Vallance
- English Bible Translations (04) - Dynamic Equivalence Dangers - David Vallance
- English Bible Translations (05) - Dynamic Equivalence Dangers - David Vallance
- The Use of 'Thee' & 'Thou' - K. L. Cooper
- Daniel's 70th Week by Jim Allen
- The Cuckoo
- The Marvel of the Human Eye
- The Wonder of Bird Migration
- The Person of Christ (01): Introduction by David McAllister
- The Person of Christ (02): His Underived Eternal Sonship by David McAllister
- The Person of Christ (03): His Unnatural Virgin Birth by David McAllister
- The Person of Christ (04): His Undiminished Deity by David McAllister
- The Person of Christ (05): His Uncompromising Humanity by David McAllister
- The Dead Sea Scrolls
- The Christmas Message of Apollo 8
- Darwin's Errors
- The Ostrich: The Fastest Thing on Two Legs
- 1st Century Gospel of Mark Fragment
- Deacons or Servants - Larry Steers
- Modern Scoffers Prove the Bible is True - David Cloud
- The Bible Critics Were Wrong - David Cloud
- Darwin's Errors part 2 - David Cloud
- The Iron Plated Snail
- The Kangaroo's Hop
- Jesus Christ is God (01) - 1 John 5:20
- Jesus Christ is God (02) - John 8:24
- Jesus Christ is God (03) - Revelation 1:4-8
- The Scholarly Climate of the King James Bible
- The Person of Christ (06): His Untainted Impeccability
- The Christian and Modern Communications Technology by Ken Cooper
- Addressing Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ by Ken Cooper
- The Importance of the Word of God by Ken Cooper
- Numerical Strength in Assemblies Today by Ken Cooper
- In Support of Conversational Bible Readings by Ken Cooper
- Letters of Commendation by Ken Cooper
- Why I Believe That Christians Should Not Be Involved In Politics by Ken Cooper
- The Autonomy of the Local Assembly by Ken Cooper
- Why I Believe That We Should Break Bread Only on the First Day of the Week by Ken Cooper
- Overcoming by Ken Cooper
- Assembly Gatherings by Ken Cooper
- How Many Scientists Reject Darwinian Evolution?
- Temple Altar Rebuilt, Ready For Use
- Accurate, not Archaic by Jim MacIntosh
- Temple Institute Reenacts the Passover
- Vatican Recognizes Palestinian State
- Penguins with Sunglasses
- Daniel's 70 Weeks by David Cloud
- Jewish Priests Perform Pentecost Temple Service In Anticipation Of Third Temple
- Queen of Sheba's Grave Discovered
- The Slippery Slope of Sin in the World
- Bad Questions
- Traditions by A. J. Higgins
- The Sanhedrin vs Pope Francis
- Engineering a Car from a Fish
- Christ Under the Microscope - His Shoulder(s)
- Preaching: Pitfalls to Avoid
- Christ Under the Microscope - His Thigh
- The World's Smallest Bible is in Israel
- A World of Debt
- The Lies of the Versions - Jim MacIntosh
- Public Image to Satan
- Christ Under the Microscope - His Legs
- Christ Under the Microscope - His Arms
- Christ Under the Microscope - His Teeth
- Archaeologists Uncover Entrance Gate To Goliath's City
- One Step Closer to the One World Government of the AntiChrist
- The Temple Institute's Search for the Red Heifer
- The Rise of the Apostate Chruch
- Evolutionist Speaks Out Against Evolution
- Why a 'Back Seat'? by Norman Crawford
- The Miracle of Our Eyes
- Coming Soon...Cashless Society
- Seven Flagellar Motors In One
- The Man Steps Forward...
- Christian Worldview on Marriage by Sandy Higgins
- Chimpanzee Y Chromosome Radically Different from Human
- Translators of the KJV (AV) Bible - John Bois
- Translators of the KJV (AV) Bible - Lawrence Chaderton
- Translators of the KJV (AV) Bible - John Rainolds
- The Person of Christ (07): His Unchallenged Authority
- Prophecy: Israel Judged & Rewarded
- Assembly Truth - Letters of Commendation
- Christian Worldview: Nature or Nurture
- Translators of the KJV (AV) Bible - Lancelot Andrews
- Oil Discovered in Israel
- Closer to the Mark of the Beast than we think!
- Thinking?
- Conscience and the Man in the Glass
- Christian Worldview: Debility & Euthanasia by A. J. Higgins
- Q & A - What does 1Peter 4:1-2 mean?
- Further Archaeological Evidence for the Second Temple
- Which Edition of the Received Text Should We Use?
- Christian Worldview: Environmentalism
- Giving to Caesar
- Hezekiah Seal Found in Ophel
- Hello, Hezekiah! Archaeology and Biblical History Come to Life
- The Miracle of Water
- The Antichrist and the Third Temple
- The Cashless Society Cometh: European Nations Eliminating Cash
- The Person of Christ (08) - His Unquestioned Death
- Christian Worldview: Your Body
- Christian Worldview: The Christian & the Media
- The Chiefest of Ten Thousand
- Christ the Meal Offering
- The History of the Temple Mount
- JN Darby's Greek NT personal notes
- False Jewish Messiahs
- God's Mercy and the Psalms
- The Fastest Flower in the Forest
- The Blink of an Eye
- The Shrine of the Book
- The Monarch Butterfly
- Barreleyes
- The Fish with Three Lines of Defense
- Christian Worldview: Technology & Medicine - An Introduction by A.J. Higgins
- Have You Thought About Your Soul?
- The Miracle of Mother's Milk
- The Monarch Butterfly
- High Priest Selected for the Third Temple
- A Christian Worldview: Consumerism
- 3D Technology Proves Hebrew Bible Unchanged for 2000 Years
- Crossway Reverses Decision to make ESV Bible Text Permanent
- Comparing Islam/Quran with Christianity/Bible
- The Temple and End Times - Amazing New Developments
- The Dead Sea Scrolls - David Cloud
- The Illiad vs the New Testament
- Max Lucado and His Beliefs
- New Archaeological Evidence Unearthed in Lachish
- The Divine Inspiration of Isaiah
- Rome Recognizes Luther as 'Witness to the Gospel' - David Cloud
- Men who were Converted trying to disprove the Bible Pt1- David Cloud
- Men who were Converted trying to disprove the Bible Pt2- David Cloud
- Men who were Converted trying to disprove the Bible Pt3- David Cloud
- Poem by Thomas Newberry
- The Fig and the Fig Wasp
- Eugene Peterson and his translation, The Message
- The Earth's Ecosystem - David Cloud
- Pollination - David Cloud
- Masters of Mimicry - David Cloud
- The Flower That Understands Its Pollinators - David Cloud
- Chart of a Timeline of Covenants, Dispensations & Programs of God
- The 23rd Megabyte - R P Amos
- Muslim Scholar Quotes the Quran saying that God gave the Land To Israel
- Christ's Bodily Resurrection by David Cloud
- Why I Abide by the Authorized Version (KJV) - William Hoste
- The Hydrological System - David Cloud
- Poem - Mary's Love
- Does Dress Matter? - David Cloud
- The Decorum of The Gospel displayed in the life of a Citizen of the Kingdom Seen in Philippians 1:27
- Articles from David Cloud ( on Transgenderism
- The World Ethically contrasted to...
- The Dissenter/Deceiver & Associated Danger
- Future Events
- The Making of Kosher Leaven Bread
- Semiology
- Our Response to Unrighteousness
- Psalms 139
- Resurrection Ground
- Feasts - The Divisions
- 1Cor12 - Another of the Same or Different
- The Problem of Evil & Suffering
- Christ's Infant Omniscience
- When Thy Son Asks of Thee
- Mercy
- Grace
- The World Religiously in contrast to:
- Was Mary at the Cross? - Scott G MacLeod
- The Setting of John 13
- The Law of Liberty - John Hackett
- The Importance of One Cup - Larry Steers
- Does Titus 2 permit house-group meetings for sisters? Jack Hay
- From a Catholic Congregation to a New Testament Assembly by Larry Buote
- Article from the Wall Street Journal on Male & Female Sexes
- Article on Gender Theory
- Cherubims, Seraphims, Angels, Satan & Demons - Larry Buote
- Temples from Heaven - Larry Buote
- Gospel Definitions - Larry Buote
- Creation - Larry Buote
- The Love of God - Larry Buote
- Kingdom Reflections - Larry Buote
- BOOK: The Person of Christ
- The Pre-existence of Christ - In the Old Testament and the Gospels by S Maxwell
- Who Created Evil? by Samir Taufeek
- Headship - Clive Barber
- Elders in the Local Church/Assembly
- Local Assembly Reception by Walter Gustafson
- The Pre-existence of Christ - In the Epistles of Paul by N Crawford
- The Pre-existence of Christ - In the Hebrew Epistle by J J Stubbs
- The Deity of Christ - In the Old Testament and the Gospels by S Maxwell
- The Deity of Christ - In Hebrews, 1st John and Revelation by P Harding
- The Deity of Christ - In the Epistles of Paul by N Crawford
- The Eternal Sonship of Christ - The Eternal Sonship of Christ by A McShane
- The Eternal Sonship of Christ - In the Gospel of John by N Crawford
- The Eternal Sonship of Christ - In the Hebrew Epistle by S Maxwell
- The Incarnation of Christ - The Gospel of John and the Epistles by H S Paisley
- The Incarnation of Christ - From Mary's Standpoint by A McShane
- The Incarnation of Christ - The Old Testament and Synoptic Gospels by P Harding
- The Perfect Servant Character of Christ - As Seen in Isaiah by A McShane
- The Perfect Servant Character of Christ - Some Thoughts about the Perfect Servant by W E Vine
- The Perfect Servant Character of Christ - The Perfect Servant by H S Paisley
- The Impeccability of Christ - Doctrinal Implications by N Crawford
- The Impeccability of Christ - The Practical Evidence of the Four Gospels by S Maxwell
- The Impeccability of Christ - In the Epistles by J J Stubbs
- The Moral Glories of Christ - In the Old Testament by P Harding
- The Moral Glories of Christ - In the Gospels by J Norris
- The Moral Glories of Christ - In the Epistles by H S Paisley
- The Atonement of Christ - In the Old Testament by H S Paisley
- The Atonement of Christ - In the Gospels and Hebrews by J J Stubbs
- The Atonement of Christ - In the Epistles and Revelation by P Harding
- The Resurrection of Christ - The Resurrection of Christ by N Crawford
- The Resurrection of Christ - In the Pauline Letters by S Maxwell
- The Ascension of Christ - In Mark, Luke, John and the Acts by S Maxwell
- The Ascension of Christ - In Hebrews and the Prison Epistles by N Crawford
- The Ascension of Christ - At the Right Hand of God pt1 by P Harding
- The Ascension of Christ - At the Right Hand of God pt2 by P Harding
- The Present Ministry of Christ - Intercession in Hebrews by S Maxwell
- The Present Ministry of Christ - The Advocacy of Christ by H S Paisley
- The Present Ministry of Christ - The Expectancy of Christ by N Crawford
- The Second Coming of Christ - The Rapture by H S Paisley
- The Second Coming of Christ - The Father's House, The Review and Marriage by P Harding
- The Second Coming of Christ - The Day of The Lord by J J Stubbs
- The Millennial Reign of Christ - The Throne of the King by J J Stubbs
- The Millennial Reign of Christ - The Heavenly People by N Crawford
- The Millennial Reign of Christ - Israel and the Nations by S Maxwell
- BOOK: Sowing & Reaping in the Garden of the Gulf by G Albert Ramsay
- Pictures of Mr Herb Harris, Mr Albert Joyce & Mr Russell Harris
- Foreword, Introduction, Acknowledgement & Poem
- Cover of Book: Sowing & Reaping in the Garden of the Gulf
- Ch1: A Great Door & Effectual
- Ch2: Fulfilling the Commission
- Ch3: The First Hall
- Ch4: Reaching Out
- Ch5: Downsitting & Upraising
- Ch6: A Heart and a Home for the Work
- Ch7: Launch Out into the Deep
- Ch8: Early Days in Newfoundland
- Poem: Ode to Labrador
- Ch9: Tent Work on PEI
- Ch10: Sowing Beside all Waters
- Ch11: A Fruitful Season
- Ch12: A Visit with a Veteran
- Ch13: Fragrant Blossoms in Rosebank
- Ch14: By Dogsled, Snowmobile and Airplane
- Ch15: Tents for Saints & Sinners
- Ch16: Not Many Fathers
- Ch17: Sowing & Serving in the Seventies
- Ch18: Unto this Day
- BOOK: Gathering Unto His Name - Norman Crawford
- Tribute to Norman Crawford written by Sandy Higgins
- Why a 'Back Seat' or 'Seat of the Unlearned' - Norman Crawford
- Our Conferences - The Burden I have for a Conference by Norman Crawford
- Gospel Appeal - Norman Crawford
- Gospel Preaching - Pitfalls to Avoid by Norman Crawford
- The Assembly Gospel Meeting - Norman Crawford
- Faith or Fanaticism: Eternal Punishment - Norman Crawford
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Introduction: Laws of Interpretation (pages 11-16)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch1: A Scriptural Definition of the Church (pages 17-24)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch2: A Simple Description of a Local Assembly (pages 25-37)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch3: Significant Distinctions between the Body and an Assembly (pages 38-45)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch4: Singular Demonstration of Testimony (pages 46-53)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch5: Supreme Declaration of the Death of Christ (pages 54-63)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch6: Sincere Devotion, Place of Worship (pages 64-72)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch7: Sovereign Display, Headship (pages 73-81)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch8: Spiritual Dependence in Gathering and Government (pages 82-89)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch9: Spiritual Dependence in Gifts (pages 90-97)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch10: Spiritual Dependence in Priesthood (pages 98-105)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch11: Assembly Gospel Testimony (pages 106-117)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch12: Assembly Reception (pages 118-128)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch13: Fellowship Between Assemblies (pages 129-140)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch14: Ministry of Women in the Two Testaments (pages 141-149)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch15: Godly Women of the Early Assemblies (pages 150-159)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch16: Assembly Singing (pages 160-166)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch17: Traditions of Scripture (pages 167-180)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch18: Assembly Discipline (1) (pages 181-187)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch19: Assembly Discipline (2) (pages 188-197)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch20: Assembly Discipline (3) (pages 198-206)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Ch21: Assembly Giving (pages 207-214)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Glossary of Terms (pages 215-232)
- The God of the Bible by Larry Buote
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Bibliography (pages 233-238)
- Book: Gathering Unto His Name - Subject Index (pages 239-244)
- Book: Gathered Unto His Name - Scripture Index (pages 245-255)
- BOOK: Assembly Truth by Norman Crawford
- Book: Assembly Truth - Preface
- Book: Assembly Truth - Ch1: A Definition of the Church (pages 3-6)
- Book: Assembly Truth - Ch2: The Pattern for an Assembly (pages 7-10)
- Book: Assembly Truth - Ch3: Traditions (pages 11-13)
- Book: Assembly Truth - Ch4: Distinctions Between the Body and the Assembly (pages 14-18)
- Book: Assembly Truth - Ch5: The Seven Meetings of an Assembly (pages 19-22)
- Book: Assembly Truth - Ch6: Privileges and Responsibilities (pages 23-28)
- Book: Assembly Truth - Ch7: History – Our Heritage (pages 29-34)
- BOOK: Some Prophetic Events As I Presently Understand Them - Allen Wilkinson
- Reception to the Local Church - Larry Steers
- Christopher Dummitt (Gender Theorist & Author) Changes His Mind
- BOOK: Local Assembly Basics by Michael Penfold
- (29)Clearing Our Minds...Where is God? - Eugene Higgins
- (30)Clearing Our Minds...Our Perspective - Staying Sane in an Insane World
- Reception into a Local Assembly - Larry Buote
- BOOK: The Head Covering, Its Biblical Basis and Symbolic Significance - David Gilliland
- Book: The Head Covering, Its Biblical Basis and Symbolic Significance - Introduction (pages 9-10)
- Book: The Head Covering, Its Biblical Basis and Symbolic Significance -Ch1: The Significant New Testament Passage (pages 11-28)
- Book: The Head Covering, Its Biblical Basis and Symbolic Significance - Ch2: Conclusion (pages 29-30)
- Book: The Head Covering, Its Biblical Basis and Symbolic Significance - Ch3: Questions and Objections (pages 31-46)
- (34)Clearing Our Minds...Of Masks and Men
- BOOK: The Role of Women in the Local Church - Table of Content
- Book: The Role of Women in the Local Church - Cover
- Book: The Role of Women in the Local Church - Revolution in Society (pages 9-10)
- Book: The Role of Women in the Local Church - Restructuring in Christendom (pages 11-12)
- Book: The Role of Women in the Local Church - Revelation in Scripture (pages 13-22)
- Book: The Role of Women in the Local Church - Responsibilities and Roles of Sisters (pages 23-28)
- Book: The Role of Women in the Local Church - Questions and Objections (pages 29-41)
- Book: The Role of Women in the Local Church - Conclusion (pages 42-43)
- (36)Clearing Our Minds...Eulogy or Elegy?
- (37)Clearing Our Minds...The Vale of Years
- Lutheran New Testament Removes the word 'Israel' - David Cloud
- (39)Clearing Our Minds...A Touching Message
- (38)Clearing Our Minds...A Really Touching Message
- (40)Clearing Our Minds...Who Do You Think is in Control?
- (41)Clearing Our Minds...The Count of Many Christians
- (42)Clearing Our Minds...Of Bugles and Trumpets
- (43)Clearing Our Minds...50th Anniversary
- Heaven - Larry Buote
- (44)Clearing Our Minds...Providence pt1
- (45)Clearing Our Minds...Providence pt2
- (46)Clearing Our Minds...Gethsemane
- (31)Clearing Our Minds...What in the world is going on here?
- (47)Clearing Our Minds...The News and the New
- (48)Clearing Our Minds...The Power of Words
- (49)Clearing Our Minds...A Lesson from Ancient History
- (50)Clearing Our Minds...Sincerely Yours?
- (51)Clearing Our Minds...Greater Riches than the Treasures in Egypt
- (52)Clearing Our Minds...The Unlisted Legion
- (53)Clearing Our Minds...Two Pronouns of Paramount Importance
- (54)Clearing Our Minds...To the Bastille!
- (55)Clearing Our Minds...Stormy Wind
- (56)Clearing Our Minds...Until
- (57)Clearing Our Minds...Renewal
- (58)Clearing Our Minds...The Cruciality of a Comma
- (59)Clearing Our Minds...Human Folly and Divine Footstools
- (60)Clearing Our Minds...Panes and Pains
- (61)Clearing Our Minds...Unless
- (62)Clearing Our Minds...Any Accommodations?
- (63)Clearing Our Minds...What's in a Name? Called by a New Name!
- (64)Clearing Our Minds...Endless (and Needless) 'What ifs...?'
- (65)Clearing Our Minds...The Enduring Character of Kindness
- (32)Clearing Our Minds...Face to Face
- (33)Clearing Our Minds...Hold Fast
- (35)Clearing Our Minds...Shelter in Place
- (01)Clearing Our Minds...Psalm 91
- (02)Clearing Our Minds...Fear
- (03)Clearing Our Minds...Nostalgia
- (04)Clearing Our Minds...Whirlwinds, Wheels and Great Waters
- (05)Clearing Our Minds...Certainty Amid the Uncertainty
- (06)Clearing Our Minds...Social Distancing
- (07)Clearing Our Minds...Curfew
- (08)Clearing Our Minds...Absence ...and a Fonder Heart
- (09)Clearing Our Minds...Discouragement
- (10)Clearing Our Minds...The War
- (11)Clearing Our Minds...Panic and Peace
- (12)Clearing Our Minds...The Christian Race
- (13)Clearing Our Minds...Emergency, Exigency, Expediency, or Essentiality
- (14)Clearing Our Minds...Worry
- (15)Clearing Our Minds...Keep Calm!
- (16)Clearing Our Minds..Keeping a Positive Attitude
- (17)Clearing Our Minds...Isolation - Prisons and Prayer
- (18)Clearing Our Minds...Loneliness
- (20)Clearing Our Minds...The Shadows of Things to Come
- (19)Clearing Our Minds...Repatriation and Home
- (21)Clearing Our Minds...Passing and Permanent
- (22)Clearing Our Minds...A Time to Build Up
- (24)Clearing Our Minds...Companies
- (23)Clearing Our Minds...The New Normal
- (25)Clearing Our Minds...Resurrection
- (26)Clearing Our Minds...Unabashedly and Unashamedly Hope
- (27)Clearing Our Minds...Contact
- (28)Clearing Our Minds...This is the Day
- (66)Clearing Our Minds...Be Tenderhearted
- One Loaf and One Cup - Fred King
- Picture of Albert Hull preaching in a Gospel Tent
- BOOK: The Charismatic Movement - An Examination of Its Teachings by John Norris
- Book: The Charismatic Movement - Preface
- Book: Ch1 - The Charismatic Movement (pages 1-3)
- Book: The Charismatic Movement Ch3 - The Day of Pentecost Pt2 (pages 7-10)
- Book: The Charismatic Movement Ch4 - The Transition in the Acts (pages 11-14)
- Book: The Charismatic Movement Ch5 - The Baptism in the Spirit & the Filling with the Spirit Pt1 (pages 15-17)
- Book: The Charismatic Movement Ch7 - Divine Healing Pt1 (pages 21-24)
- Book: The Charismatic Movement Ch8 - Divine Healing Pt2 (pages 25-27)
- Book: The Charismatic Movement Ch9 - Divine Healing Pt3 (pages 28-30)
- Book: The Charismatic Movement Ch10 - The Ministry of Women (pages 31-34)
- BOOK: Psalm 119 - Prose & Poetry by G Albert Ramsay
- Book: Psalm 119 Author's Note & Foreword
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 2 - 'Beth' verses 9-16 (pages 5-8)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 3 - 'Gimel' verses 17-24 (pages 9-12)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 4 - 'Daleth' verses 25-32 (pages 12-16)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 5 - 'He' verses 33-40 (pages 16-20)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 6 - 'Vau' verses 41-48 (pages 21-23)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 7 - 'Zain' verses 49-56 (pages 24-27)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 8 - 'Kheth' verses 57-64 (pages 27-31)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 9 - 'Teth' verses 65-72 (pages 31-35)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 10 - 'Yod' verses 73-80 (pages 35-39)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 11 - 'Caph' verses 81-88 (pages 39-43)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 12 - 'Lamed' verses 89-96 (pages 43-46)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 13 - 'Mem' verses 97-104 (pages 47-50)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 14 - 'Nun' verses 105-112 (pages 51-54)
- Clearing Our Minds - The Eyes Have It
- Clearing Our Minds - 10, 3, 2 & 1
- Clearing Our Minds - Seatbelts Required
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 15 - 'Samech' verses 113-120 (pages55-58)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 16 - 'Hayin' verses 121-128 (pages 59-62)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 17 - 'Pe' verses 129-136 (pages 63-66)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 18 - 'Tsaddai' verses 137-144 (pages 67-70)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 19 - 'Koph' verses 145-152 (pages 71-74)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 20 - 'Resh' verses 153-160 (pages 75-78)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 21 - 'Shin' verses 161-168 (pages 79-82)
- Book: Psalm 119 Section 22 - 'Tau' verses 169-176 (pages 83-86)
- Clearing Our Minds - Hold the Fort by Eugene Higgins
- Clearing Our Minds - When Words Collide
- Clearing Our Minds - Zoom, Zoar & Zeal
- Creation - Job Joseph
- Meekness and Gentleness of Christ - John McIlvenna
- The Place of the Unlearned - Lindsay Parks
- Mary and Martha - John McIlvenna
- Take Ye Away the Stone - John McIlvenna
- I Will Give You Rest - John McIlvenna
- You Shall Find Rest Unto Your Souls - John McIlvenna
- My God My God Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? - John McIlvenna
- Burial and Resurrection of Christ - John McIlvenna
- Jesus of Nazareth - John McIlvenna
- Redemption, Forgiveness & Grace - John McIlvenna
- Which Hope We Have as an Anchor of the Soul - John McIlvenna
- And the God of Love & Peace shall be With You - John McIlvenna
- Be of Good Cheer: It is I; Be not Afraid - John McIlvenna
- The Pillar and Ground of the Truth - John McIlvenna
- Peace be Still - John McIlvenna
- The Faith which was once Delivered unto the Saints- John McIlvenna
- Alas, My Master! How shall we Do? - John McIlvenna
- A Study on Clothing - Matthew Swan
- When I am Weak - John McIlvenna
- Casting Down Imaginations - John McIlvenna
- Thomas & His Faith - John McIlvenna
- Jabez - John McIlvenna
- The Hidden Wisdom of God - John McIlvenna
- The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom
- A Bruised Reed shall He not Break, and Smoking Flax shall He not Quench - John McIlvenna
- Till He send forth Judgement unto Victory - John McIlvenna
- But Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God... - John McIlvenna
- Heard Unspeakable Words - John McIlvenna
- Small Things - John McIlvenna
- Importunity in Prayer - John McIlvenna
- The Word of God - John McIlvenna
- Gathered in the Name of the Lord - John McIlvenna
- Whatsoever He saith unto you, Do It - John McIlvenna
- The Lord Jesus was a Real Man - John McIlvenna
- Lessons from King Asa - John McIlvenna
- We are Ambassadors for Christ - John McIlvenna
- Trinity acting in Unity - John McIlvenna
- Art Thou He that should Come? Or Look we for Another? - John McIlvenna
- Hath in these Last Days spoken unto us by His Son - John McIlvenna
- Lighthouse - Murray McCandless
- Jim MacIntosh's Corner - July 23/2021
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Category Archives: Various
Christ the Perfect Servant by Daniel Rudge
Posted in Articles, Maritime Ministry, Various
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Philippians pt4 by Bernie Payne
Posted in Articles, Maritime Ministry, Various
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A Foolish Message by Joel Portman
Posted in Articles, Maritime Ministry, Various
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The Alpha & Omega pt1 by Bernie Payne
Posted in Articles, Maritime Ministry, Various
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The Fruit of the Spirit – Love by Marc MacArthur
Posted in Articles, Maritime Ministry, Various
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Welcome to Portrush by Robert Plant
Posted in Articles, Maritime Ministry, Various
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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Robert Plant
Posted in Articles, Maritime Ministry, Various
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