Browse Audio
- 01 Audio of Genesis
- Alphabet of the Holy Spirit-David Gilliland
- Biblical Terms-David Gilliland
- Covenants of Scripture-David Gilliland
- The Cross Series - David Gilliland
- 02 Audio of Exodus
- Safety, Certainty & Enjoyment
- God's Way of Salvation
- 03 Audio of Leviticus
- 04 Audio of Numbers
- How I Became a Christian
- Facts vs Feelings
- Fundamentalism versus Apostasy - Ian Paisley
- Past, Present & Future
- Sin When it is Finished - Peter Orasuk
- 05 Audio of Deuteronomy
- 06 Audio of Joshua
- (06)Lurgan 2004-Death of Christ in Lev16, Psa22, Isa53 & Jn19
- Messages by David Petterson
- Doxologies of Scripture-David Gilliland
- A Life That Pleases God-David Gilliland
- Acquired Spiritual Immune System-David Gilliland
- Agriculture of the Soul-David Gilliland
- Bethlehem Series-David Gilliland
- Bible Briefs in Brotherliness-David Gilliland
- Bible Friends-David Gilliland
- Bible Questions-David Gilliland
- Bible Triplets-David Gilliland
- Bible Wells-David Gilliland
- Messages by Jim Beattie
- Bird Watching-David Gilliland
- Calvary in the Four Gospels-David Gilliland
- Cardiac Christianity-David Gilliland
- The 3:16's of Scripture-David Gilliland
- (10)Lurgan 2008-Genesis 1 to 4
- (11)Lurgan 2009-Genesis 12,15,18&22
- Characters of the Old Testament-David Gilliland
- Choices in Scripture-David Gilliland
- Copious Christianity-David Gilliland
- Messages by Ian Jackson
- Crucial Christianity-David Gilliland
- Digging in Deuteronomy - David Gilliland
- Discipleship Series-David Gilliland
- Eden Series-David Gilliland
- Elisha Series-David Gilliland
- Experiencing the Risen Christ-David Gilliland
- Gifts of... - David Gilliland
- Honourable Men in Scripture-David Gilliland
- How to Balance the Christian Life-David Gilliland
- How We Got Our Bibles-David Gilliland
- Isaac Series-David Gilliland
- Jeremiah Series-David Gilliland
- Jericho Series-David Gilliland
- Joseph Series-David Gilliland
- Justification Series-David Gilliland
- Linens of the Bible by David Gilliland
- Little People of the OT-David Gilliland
- Mark's Gospel-David Gilliland
- Miscellaneous Messages-David Gilliland
- Moses Parting Blessing-David Gilliland
- Mountains of the Bible-David Gilliland
- People Conquering-David Gilliland
- Perfection in... by David Gilliland
- Poems of Moses-David Gilliland
- Quality Christianity-David Gilliland
- Renewal Series-David Gilliland
- Ruth and Boaz Series-David Gilliland
- Saul's Battles-David Gilliland
- Scenes at Jordan - David Gilliland
- (14)Lurgan 2012-1Cor 9-12
- Scriptural Geography of the Psalms - David Gilliland
- Second Things in the Bible-David Gilliland
- Secular Society-David Gilliland
- Servants Who Contemplated Quitting Their Post-David Gilliland
- Shechem Series-David Gilliland
- Ships Series by David Gilliland
- Skyscrapers in Scripture-David Gilliland
- Solomon's Reign-David Gilliland
- Spiritual Dumb-ocracy-David Gilliland
- Spiritual Greetings-David Gilliland
- Spiritual Growth-David Gilliland
- The Christian Identity Card-David Gilliland
- The Complete Christians-David Gilliland
- The God Who-David Gilliland
- The Gospel for a New City-David Gilliland
- The Last Will and Testament of Jacob-David Gilliland
- The Lord Spake Unto Moses-David Gilliland
- The Lord's Work-David Gilliland
- The Ordinance Of-David Gilliland
- The Profile of the Perfect Christian-David Gilliland
- The Relevance of the Ten Commandments-David Gilliland
- The Saviour in Mark-David Gilliland
- The Truth Of-David Gilliland
- The Vineyard Series-David Gilliland
- The Wise Man-David Gilliland
- The Work of the Holy Spirit-David Gilliland
- Things Are Not As They Appear-David Gilliland
- Things From God-David Gilliland
- This Person Series-David Gilliland
- Unique Things-David Gilliland
- Vine and Vineyard-David Gilliland
- Visits to Prisons-David Gilliland
- Weeks in the Bible-David Gilliland
- Wisdom Proverbs-David Gilliland
- Yesterdays Sabbath-David Gilliland
- Zion in the Psalms-David Gilliland
- (01)Lurgan 1999-2Timothy 1-4
- (03)Lurgan 2001-Hebrews 1-5
- (04)Lurgan 2002- Hebrews 7-10
- (05)Lurgan 2003- Hebrews 11-13
- (07)Lurgan 2005- 1John 1-5
- (08)Lurgan 2006- Colossians 1-4
- (09)Lurgan 2007- Philippians 1-4
- (12)Lurgan 2010 - Revelation 19-22
- (01)Larne 1999- Philippians 1-4
- (02)Larne 2000- 1Thess4-5, 2Thess1-3
- (03)Larne 2001- John 14-17
- (04)Larne 2002- John 18-21
- (05)Larne 2003- Zechariah 9-14
- (06)Larne 2004- James 1-5
- (07)Larne 2005- Matt28,2Tim4,2Pet3 & Rev22
- (10)Larne 2008- Matthew 1-4
- (08)Larne 2006- Titus 1-3
- (09)Larne 2007- 1Timothy 1-4
- (11)Larne 2009- Ephesians 4-6
- (12)Larne 2010- Ruth 1-4
- What is the Church of God-David Gilliland
- Aug 3
- Gospel Messages by Phil Coulson
- Gospel Messages by Scott MacLeod
- Messages by Scott MacLeod
- Messages by Phil Coulson
- Miscellaneous Messages-Robert McPheat
- Compassion's of Christ
- Life of Samuel
- Mary the Unique
- Miracles in Matthew
- Nature of Christ
- Pitiful Nature of our Lord Jesus Christ
- Book of Ruth - Robert McPheat
- Studies in Luke - Robert McPheat
- Studies in Joshua - Robert McPheat
- Creation vs Darwinism
- Miscellaneous Messages
- Resurrection of Christ
- Acts 2:41-42
- Garments for Glory
- Garments of Glory & Beauty
- Garments of the High Priest
- Gospel of John
- Mountains of Matthew
- Our Hope
- Series on Revelation
- Book of Daniel
- Series on the Book of Revelation 1978
- Feasts of Jehovah
- The Life of our Lord
- The Offerings
- Without Holiness, Blood & Faith
- Assembly Truth
- Beauties of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Judgement Coming
- Miscellaneous Messages
- The Church
- The Crucifixion of Christ
- Ministry Messages on Gospel Work by Murray McCandless
- Miscellaneous Messages of Murray McCandless
- Names of God
- Summerside Fall Bible Conference 2012-The Relevency of Assembly Teaching in the 21st Century
- Summerside Fall Bible Conference 2010-Creation vs Darwinism
- Gospel Preaching-Michael Penfold
- Miscellaneous Messages-Michael Penfold
- Kingdom of God & Heaven
- The Circuit of Samuel
- Messages by John Meekin
- Messages by Jonathan Procopio
- Gospel Messages by Jonathan Procopio
- Assembly Truths
- Coping with Our...
- The Believer and His...
- The Four Gospels
- Miscellaneous Messages by Sandy Higgins
- The Churches of Asia
- Marriage and the Family
- Our Relationships with...
- Our Minds
- Assembly Principles from Numbers
- Colossians Series
- Egypt to Canaan
- Series on Ruth
- Miscellaneous Message
- Seven Feasts of Jehovah
- The Seven Churches
- 1 Timothy
- The Life of Moses
- Philippians
- Miscellaneous Messages
- 1 Peter
- The Life of Abraham
- The Seven Churches of Asia
- Assembly Meetings
- Church Teaching
- Comparisons
- Book of Daniel
- Elisha
- Great Contrasts in Scripture
- Book of Judges
- Miscellaneous Messages
- Book of Revelation
- Solomon's Temple
- The Holy Spirit
- The Will of God
- Be Ye Holy
- Jude
- Luke 8
- The Holy Spirit
- The Tabernacle
- What Manner of People Ought You to Be?
- Jan 5
- Jan 6
- Book of Revelation-Jim Flanigan
- Different Journeys that the Lord Jesus Made-Jim Flanigan
- Great Chapters in Scripture-Jim Flanigan
- Our High Priest the Lord Jesus Christ-Jim Flanigan
- Mary of...-Jim Flanigan
- Meditations in Isaiah-Jim Flanigan
- Pictures of the Lord Jesus in Song of Solomon
- The King-Jim Flanigan
- The Lord Jesus-Jim Flanigan
- The Psalms-Jim Flanigan
- The Upper Room-Jim Flanigan
- Miscellaneous Messages-Jim Flanigan
- Jan 4c
- Eternal Assurance - Chris O'Connor
- Feb 27
- Bible Readings on Ruth-David Gilliland
- Bible Readings on Colossians-David Gilliland
- Evenings in Scripture-David Gilliland
- Grace, Guidance, Growth & Gathering-David Gilliland
- How Did The Bible Come to Us-David Gilliland
- Lessons on Living from Luke-David Gilliland
- Rivers in Scripture-David Gilliland
- Seven Special Days That Shaped the World-David Gilliland
- Smooth Stones from Bible Brooks-David Gilliland
- Study of Four-David Gilliland
- The First NT Assembly...-David Gilliland
- The Lord's Question to Life's Travelers-David Gilliland
- The Manhood of the Lord Jesus Christ-David Gilliland
- The Upper Room-David Gilliland
- The Work of the Holy Spirit-David Gilliland
- Word Studies-David Gilliland
- Words of Power and Power of Words-David Gilliland
- The Epistle of James-Jim Allen
- Book of Revelation-Jim Allen
- Churches of Revelation-Jim Allen
- The Endtimes-Jim Allen
- Prophetic Program-Jim Allen
- Miscellaneous Messages-Jim Allen
- The End Time-Jim Allen
- The Tribulation-Jim Allen
- Future Events-Jack Hay
- We Like David Should Seek the Lord's Will-Jack Hay
- Miscellaneous Messages-Jack Hay
- Erza & Haggai-Jim Baker
- Future Events-Jim Baker
- Prayers of the Lord-Jim Baker
- The Call of Isaiah-Jim Baker
- The Coming of the Lord-Jim Baker
- Psa 22 Bible Reading-Jim Baker
- Miscellaneous Messages-Jim Baker
- The Lord was with Joseph-Jim Baker
- The Planting of Four NT Assemblies-Jim Baker
- The Temple-Jim Baker
- Messages by Malcolm Radcliffe
- (13) Larne 2011-Genesis 37-41
- (13) Lurgan 2011-1Corinthians 1-4
- The Future of the Earth-Jim Allen
- Assembly Truth-Sandy Higgins
- May 12c
- May 13c
- May 14c
- May 15c
- May 16c
- May 17c
- May 18c
- May 19c
- May 20c
- May 21c
- May 22c
- May 23c
- May 24c
- May 25c
- May 26c
- May 27c
- May 28c
- May 29c
- May 30c
- May 31c
- June 1c
- June 2c
- June 3c
- June 4c
- June 5c
- June 6c
- June 7c
- June 8c
- June 9c
- Messages by William Skates
- Messages by Bruce Rogers
- Messages by Eugene Higgins
- Lessons from the Life of Solomon
- 01 Audio of Matthew
- 02 Audio of Mark
- 03 Audio of Luke
- 04 Audio of John
- 05 Audio of Acts
- 06 Audio of Romans
- 07 Audio of 1Corinthians
- 08 Audio of 2Corinthians
- 09 Audio of Galatians
- 10 Audio of Ephesians
- 11 Audio of Philippians
- 12 Audio of Colossians
- 13 Audio of 1Thessalonians
- 14 Audio of 2Thessalonians
- 15 Audio of 1Timothy
- 16 Audio of 2Timothy
- 17 Audio of Titus
- 18 Audio of Philemon
- 19 Audio of Hebrews
- 20 Audio of James
- 21 Audio of 1Peter
- 22 Audio of 2Peter
- 23 Audio of 1John
- 24 Audio of 2John
- 25 Audio of 3John
- 26 Audio of Jude
- 27 Audio of Revelation
- 07 Audio of Judges
- 08 Audio of Ruth
- 09 Audio of 1Samuel
- 10 Audio of 2Samuel
- 11 Audio of 1Kings
- 12 Audio of 2Kings
- 13 Audio of 1Chronicles
- 14 Audio of 2Chronicles
- 15 Audio of Ezra
- 16 Audio of Nehemiah
- 17 Audio of Esther
- 18 Audio of Job
- 19 Audio of Psalms
- 20 Audio of Proverbs
- 21 Audio of Ecclesiastes
- 22 Audio of Song of Solomon
- 23 Audio of Isaiah
- 24 Audio of Jeremiah
- 25 Audio of Lamentations
- 26 Audio of Ezekiel
- 27 Audio of Daniel
- 28 Audio of Hosea
- 29 Audio of Joel
- 30 Audio of Amos
- 31 Audio of Obadiah
- 32 Audio of Jonah
- 33 Audio of Micah
- 34 Audio of Nahum
- 35 Audio of Hanakkuk
- 36 Audio of Zephaniah
- 37 Audio of Haggai
- 38 Audio of Zechariah
- 39 Audio of Malachi
- June 10c
- How I Became a Christian-Theodore Chaisson
- PEI May Conference 2013
- June 11c
- June 12c
- June 13c
- June 14c
- June 15c
- June 16c
- June 17c
- June 18c
- June 19c
- June 20c
- June 21c
- June 22c
- June 23c
- June 24c
- June 25c
- June 26c
- June 27c
- June 28c
- June 29c
- June 30c
- July 1c
- July 2c
- July 3c
- July 4c
- July 5c
- July 6c
- July 7c
- July 8c
- July 9c
- July 10c
- July 11c
- July 12c
- July 13c
- July 14c
- July 15c
- July 16c
- July 17c
- July 18c
- July 19c
- July 20c
- July 21c
- July 22c
- July 23c
- July 24c
- July 25c
- July 26c
- July 27c
- July 28c
- July 29c
- July 30c
- July 31c
- Aug 1c
- (15)Lurgan 2013-1Cor 14-16
- (14) Larne 2012-Daniel 1, 3 & 6
- Aug 2c
- Aug 3c
- Aug 4c
- Aug 5c
- Aug 6c
- Aug 7c
- Aug 8c
- Aug 9c
- Aug 10c
- Aug 11c
- Aug 12c
- Aug 13c
- Aug 14c
- Aug 15c
- Aug 16c
- Aug 17c
- Aug 18c
- Messages by T. E. Wilson
- Aug 19c
- Aug 20c
- Aug 21c
- Aug 22c
- Aug 23c
- Aug 24c
- Aug 25c
- Aug 26c
- Aug 27c
- Aug 28c
- Aug 29c
- Aug 30c
- Aug 31c
- Sept 1c
- Sept 2c
- Sept 3c
- Sept 4c
- Sept 5c
- Sept 6c
- Sept 7c
- Sept 8c
- Sept 9c
- Sept 10c
- Sept 11c
- Sept 12c
- Sept 13c
- Sept 14c
- Sept 15c
- Sept 16c
- Sept 17c
- Sept 18c
- Sept 19c
- Sept 20c
- Sept 21c
- Sept 22c
- Sept 23c
- Sept 24c
- Sept 25c
- Sept 26c
- Sept 27c
- Sept 28c
- Sept 29c
- Sept 30c
- Oct 1c
- Bible Containers-David Gilliland
- The Sermon of the Mount-Bible Readings by David Gilliland
- Messages by Stan Wells
- God's Interest in You-Travis Harbaugh, Time-Eric McCullough
- The Brooks of Scripture-David Gilliland
- The Plains of Moab - David Gilliland
- Ezra and Recovery - Phil Coulson
- Feeding on Him-Phil Coulson
- Misc 207-What Time Is It, The Present Age-David Gilliland
- The Christian Life-Sandy Higgins
February 2025 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Search