Halifax NS Bible Reading Conference 2019 – 1Thessalonians

(The epistle of 1Thessalonians is the topic of this Bible Reading held in the Halifax Gospel Hall)

01Halifax2019BR-Intro to 1Thess-Brody Thibodeau

02Halifax2019BR-1Thess C1-Marcus Cain

03Halifax2019BR-1Thess C2-Matthew Cain

04Halifax2019BR-1Thess C3-Leslie Craig

05Halifax2019BR-1Thess C4-Shawn St Clair

06Halifax2019BR-1Thess C3-Brody Thibodeau

07Halifax2019BR-1Thess C4-Leslie Craig

08Halifax2019BR-1Thess C5-Shawn St Clair

09Halifax2019BR-1Thess C5-Marcus Cain

10Halifax2019G-Gospel Saturday Night

11Halifax2019G-Gospel Sunday Night
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