The 53rd Chapter of Isaiah set to poetry
(Can be sung to the tune of Life’s Railway to Heaven)
What a message God has given
In His Word for you and me
Of the suffering of our Saviour
In Isaiah 53.
No beauty that we should desire Him,
Oh how humble was our Lord!
He is despised, a man of sorrows
According to His holy Word.
Borne our griefs and all our sorrows,
What a load for Him to bear!
We esteemed Him stricken, smitten
As He bore that great load there.
What a message God has given
In His Word for you and me
Of the suffering of our Saviour
In Isaiah 53.
Wounded for all of my transgressions,
Bruised for my iniquity,
The cost of peace was heaped upon Him,
Bearing stripes by which we’re healed.
We like sheep have strayed far from Him,
Heeding not the Shepherd’s call.
Yet the One Who knows our wandering
Laid on Him the sins of all.
What a message God has given
In His Word for you and me
Of the suffering of our Saviour
In Isaiah 53.
Oppressed He was and so afflicted,
Like a sheep to shearing brought.
As a lamb brought to the slaughter,
So He opened not His mouth.
Brought from prison and from judgment,
From the land of living struck.
The transgressions of His people,
‘Twas for this His life they took.
What a message God has given
In His Word for you and me
Of the suffering of our Saviour
In Isaiah 53.
He made His grave then with the wicked,
With the rich after He died,
Because in life He did no violence,
Nor in Him did deceit reside.
Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him.
Oh the depth of that great thought!
Put to grief for poor lost sinners.
Let us praise Him as we ought.
What a message God has given
In His Word for you and me
Of the suffering of our Saviour
In Isaiah 53.
His soul was made for sin an offering,
So His seed He might behold,
And His days prolonged in Glory
At the pleasure of the Lord.
The travail of His soul regarded,
This the Lord will satisfy.
The knowledge of this righteous Servant
Will many sinners justify.
What a message God has given
In His Word for you and me
Of the suffering of our Saviour
In Isaiah 53.
His God divides a portion to Him
With the great and with the strong
Because to death He poured His soul out
And numbered was with all the wrong.
He bare the sin of many sinners,
And intercession He did make
For you and me and all transgressors.
Oh praise the Lord for Jesus’ sake.
What a message God has given
In His Word for you and me
Of the suffering of our Saviour
In Isaiah 53.