The Glorious Gospel
…the glorious gospel of the blessed God… 1 Timothy 1:11 The Bible
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Sermonette for Saturday – September 11/2021
Meditation for Monday – September 13/2021
Lesson for the Lord’s Day – September 12/2021
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September 12, 2021
Scott G MacLeod
by Jim MacIntosh
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Sermonette for Saturday – September 11/2021
Meditation for Monday – September 13/2021
Browse Maritime Ministry
The Cross Series - David Gilliland
Sin When it is Finished - Peter Orasuk
The 3:16's of Scripture-David Gilliland
Digging in Deuteronomy - David Gilliland
Discipleship Series-David Gilliland
Eden Series-David Gilliland
Honourable Men in Scripture-David Gilliland
How to Balance the Christian Life-David Gilliland
Jeremiah Series-David Gilliland
Jericho Series-David Gilliland
Joseph Series-David Gilliland
Mark's Gospel-David Gilliland
People Conquering-David Gilliland
Perfection in... by David Gilliland
Quality Christianity-David Gilliland
Saul's Battles-David Gilliland
Scenes at Jordan - David Gilliland
Scriptural Geography of the Psalms - David Gilliland
Second Things in the Bible-David Gilliland
Servants Who Contemplated Quitting Their Post-David Gilliland
Shechem Series-David Gilliland
Ships Series by David Gilliland
A Risen Christ - David Gilliland
Looking at Life Through Bible Windows - David Gilliland
Blind Oversight - Michael Penfold
Bible Weights & Measures
Overview of the Gospels - David Gilliland
Submission to... by John Dennison
Redemption, Forgiveness & Grace - John McIlvenna
Which Hope We Have as an Anchor of the Soul - John McIlvenna
The Pillar and Ground of the Truth - John McIlvenna
Peace be Still - John McIlvenna
Alas, My Master! How shall we Do? - John McIlvenna
Spiritual Person of Gal6 - Sandy Higgins
Thomas & His Faith - John McIlvenna
Jabez - John McIlvenna
The Hidden Wisdom of God - John McIlvenna
But Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God... - John McIlvenna
Heard Unspeakable Words - John McIlvenna
Importunity in Prayer - John McIlvenna
Gathered in the Name of the Lord - John McIlvenna
The Lord Jesus was a Real Man - John McIlvenna
We are Ambassadors for Christ - John McIlvenna
Lighthouse - Murray McCandless
Maritime News - June 23/2021
Jim MacIntosh's Corner - July 23/2021
Jim MacIntosh's Corner - June 24/2021
Summerside PEI 2020 Fall Bible Readings - The Life of Moses
Summerside PEI 2019 Fall Bible Readings - The Life of Paul
Jim MacIntosh's Corner - June 25/2021
Jim MacIntosh's Corner - June 26/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - June 27/2021
Meditation for Monday - June 28/2021
Maritime Ministry Edition June2021
Thou Life of My life
Maritime Ministry Edition July 2021
Isaiah 53 turned into a Hymn - Jim MacIntosh
Tidings for Tuesday - June 29/2021
Are the modern translations correct to replace the older phrase ‘only begotten’ with the newer phrase ‘one and only son’?
Rejoice & Shout - Murray McCandless
Word for Wednesday - June 30/2021
Let Us of Heb4 - David Hierlihy
Thought for Thursday - July 1/2021
Food for Friday - July 2/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - July 3/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - July 4/2021
Meditation for Monday - July 5/2021
Tiding for Tuesday - July 6/2021
Word for Wednesday - July 7/2021
Thought for Thursday - July 8/2021
Food for Friday - July 9/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - July 10/2021
Sermonette for Sunday - July 11/2021
Meditation for Monday - July 12/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - July 13/2021
Word for Wednesday - July 14/2021
Thought for Thursday - July 15/2021
Food for Friday - July 16/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - July 17/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - July 18/2021
Meditation for Monday - July 19/2021
Monday Meditations - July 19/2021 - Molding & Motivation
Tidings for Tuesday - July 20/21
Word for Wednesday - July 21/2021
Thought for Thursday - July 22/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - July 24/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - July 25/2021
Meditation for Monday - July 26/2021
Monday Meditations - Only God Fully Knew - July 26/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - July 27/2021
Word for Wednesday - July 28/2021
Thought for Thursday - July 29/2021
Food for Friday - July 30/2021
August 1/2021 News - Brody Thibodeau
Husbands Love Your Wives - Murray McCandless
What Makes a Meeting an Assembly Meeting - Michael Penfold
Lessons from the Tabernacle #1 - Bernie Payne
Carest Thou Not? - Jim McIntosh
Sermonette for Saturday - July 31/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - August 1/2021
Meditation for Monday - August 2/2021
Monday Mediation - August 2/2021 - Myrrh
Tidings for Tuesday - August 3/2021
Word for Wednesday - August 4/2021
Thought for Thursday - August 5/2021
2012 Gospel Message by Robert McIlwaine
Sermonette for Saturday - August 7/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - July 8/2021
Monday Meditations -August 9/2021 - Joseph...Like Yet Unlike
Meditation for Monday - August 9/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - August 10/2021
Word for Wednesday - August 11/2021
Thought for Thursday - August 12/2021
Food for Friday - August 13/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - August 14/2021
Meditation for Monday - August 16/2021
Monday Meditations - Diamonds in Deuteronomy
Robert McIlwaine's funeral
Tidings for Tuesday - August 17/2021
Word for Wednesday - August 18/2021
Thought for Thursday - August 19/2021
Food for Friday - August 20/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - August 21/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - August 22/2021
Meditation for Monday - August 23/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - August 24/2021
Word for Wednesday - August 25/2021
Thought for Thursday - August 26/2021
Food for Friday - August 28/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - August 28/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - August 29/2021
Meditation for Monday - August 30/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - August 31/2021
God Singing - Murray McCandless
Lessons from the Tabernacle - The Brazen Altar
Lessons from the Tabernacle - The Brazen Altar - Bernie Payne
The Crimson Thread - Jim MacIntosh
Maritime News - September 1/2021
Word for Wednesday - September 1/2021
Thought for Thursday - September 2/2021
Food for Friday - September 3/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - September 4/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - September 5/2021
Meditation for Monday - September 6/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - September 7/2021
Word for Wednesday - September 8/2021
Thought for Thursday - September 9/2021
Food for Friday - September 10/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - September 11/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - September 12/2021
Meditation for Monday - September 13/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - September 14/2021
Word for Wednesday - September 15/2021
Thought for Thursday -September 16/2021
Food for Friday - September 17/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - September 18/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - September 19/2021
Meditation for Monday - September 20/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - September 21/2021
Word for Wednesday - September 22/2021
Maritime News for Sept 22/2021
Thought for Thursday - September 23/2021
Food for Friday - September 24/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - September 25/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - September 26/2021
Meditation for Monday - September 27/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - September 28/2021
Word for Wednesday - September 29/2021
Thought for Thursday - September 30/2021
The Trial of your Faith - Murray McCandless
Lessons from the Tabernacle Series -The Laver#3 - Bernie Payne
Messages of Comfort Series - Consecration#1 - Bernie Payne
On that most holy morn... - W. Kirkpatrick
The Sparrow - John Meekin
Food for Friday - October 1/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - October 2/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 3/2021
Meditation for Monday - October 4/2021
Monday Meditations - Broken Bones
Tidings for Tuesday - October 5/2021
Word for Wednesday - October 6/2021
Thought for Thursday - October 7/2021
Food for Friday - October 8/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - October 9/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 10/2021
Meditation for Monday - October 11/2021
Praise Waits for the Man or Men Wait for Praise - October 11/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - October 12/2021
Word for Wednesday - October 13/2021
Thought for Thursday - October 14/2021
Food for Friday - October 15/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - October 16/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 17/2021
Meditation for Monday - October 18/2021
Monday Meditations - God Visiting the Earth
Tidings for Tuesday - October 19/2021
Word for Wednesday - October 20/2021
Thought for Thursday - October 21/2021
Food for Friday - October 21/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - October 23/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 24/2021
Meditation for Monday - October 25/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - October 26/2021
Word for Wednesday - October 27/2021
Thought for Thursday - October 28/2021
Food for Friday - October 29/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - October 30/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 31/2021
David Dealing with Troubles - Robert McPheat
Meditation for Monday - November 1/2021
Creation Facts - The Bottomless Suitcase
Christ is All - Charles J Rolls
All About Them of Him - Murray McCandless
Lessons from the Tabernacle Series #4 - The High Priest - Bernie Payne
Messages of Comfort Series - Consecration#2 - Bernie Payne
What Manner of Man - A.S.
Tidings for Tuesday - November 2/2021
Word for Wednesday - November 3/2021
Thought for Thursday - November 4/2021
Food for Friday - November 5/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - November 6/2021
Lessons for the Lord's Day - November 7/2021
Meditation for Monday - November 8/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - November 9/2021
Word for Wednesday - November 10/2021
Remarks for Remembrance Day - November 11/2021
Food for Friday - November 12/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - November 13/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - November 14/2021
Meditation for Monday - November 15/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - November 16/2021
Blues Mills NS Conference 2021
Clementsvale NS Conference 2021
Word for Wednesday - November 17/2021
Halifax NS Bible Reading Conference 2019 - 1Thessalonians
Halifax NS Bible Reading Conference 2018 - Philippians
Thought for Thursday - November 18/2021
Food for Friday - November 19/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - November 20/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - November 21/2021
Monday Meditations - Angels
Meditation for Monday - November 22/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - November 23/2021
Word for Wednesday - November 24/2021
Thought for Thursday - November 25/2021
Food for Friday - November 26/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - November 27/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - November 28/2021
Meditation for Monday - November 29/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - November 30/2021
Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, and Today, and for the Ages - Charles Rolls
Blind Luck Smarter than Top Programmers
Doctrinal Statements(1) - Forgiveness - John Meekin
The Cloud by Day and the Pillar of Fire by Night - Jonathan Procopio
The Temptation of Jesus - Michael Penfold
Word for Wednesday - December 1/2021
Divisions Among Us - Murray McCandless
Lessons from the Tabernacle Series #5 - The Bases, Boards & Bars - Bernie Payne
Messages of Comfort Series - Motive of Consecration #3 - Bernie Payne
Thought for Thursday - December 2/2021
Food for Friday - December 3/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - December 4/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - December 5/2021
Meditation for Monday - December 6/2021
Monday Meditation - Join all the Glorious Names
Tidings for Tuesday - December 7/2021
Word for Wednesday - December 8/2021
Thought for Thursday - December 9/2021
Food for Friday - December 10/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - December 11/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - December 12/2021
Summerside PEI 2021 Fall Bible Readings - The Life of Joshua
Meditation for Monday - December 13/2021
Monday Meditations - December 13/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - December 14/2021
Word for Wednesday - December 15/2021
Thought for Thursday - December 16/2021
Food for Friday - December 17/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - December 18/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - December 19/2021
Meditation for Monday - December 20/2021
Monday Meditations - The Privileged Three
Tidings for Tuesday - December 21/2021
Word for Wednesday - December 22/2021
Thought for Thursday - December 23/2021
Food for Friday - December 24/2021
Lesson for the Lord's Day - December 26/2021
Monday Meditations - December 27/2021
Meditation for Monday - December 27/2021
Tidings for Tuesday - December 28/2021
Word for Wednesday - December 29/2021
Thought for Thursday - December 30/2021
Food for Friday - December 31/2021
Sermonette for Saturday - January 1/2022
The Wonder of Wonders
How Many Smells can you Smell?
Satan's Attack on the Gospel - Michael Penfold
Old & New - Murray McCandless
Messages of Comfort Series - The Measure of Consecration #4 - Bernie Payne
Lessons from the Tabernacle Series #6 - The Coverings & Curtains Pt1
Continue in My Word - A.S.
Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 2/2022
Meditation for Monday - January 3/2022
Monday Meditations - The Resurrection
Tidings for Tuesday - January 4/2022
Word for Wednesday - January 5/2022
Thought for Thursday - January 6/2022
Food for Friday - January 7/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - January 8/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 9/2022
Christ and Moses - January 10/2022
Meditation for Monday - January 10/2022
Tidings for Tuesday - January 11/2022
Word for Wednesday - January 12/2022
Thought for Thursday - January 13/2022
Food for Friday - January 14/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - January 15/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 16/2022
Meditation for Monday - January 17/2022
Monday Meditations - None Like Him
Tidings for Tuesday - January 18/2022
Word for Wednesday - January 19/2022
Thought for Thursday - January 20/2022
Food for Friday - January 21/2020
The Burning Bush as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
Sermonette for Saturday - January 22/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 23/2022
Meditation for Monday - January 24/2022
Monday Meditations - January 24/2022
Naboth's Vineyard as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
Tidings for Tuesday - January 25/2022
Word for Wednesday - January 26/2022
Don't Give Up - Lessons from Benaiah - Brody Thibodeau
Thought for Thursday - January 27/2022
Food for Friday - January 28/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - January 29/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 30/2022
Be Still - Eugene Higgins
A Rose is Still a Rose
That Cruel Tree
The Lord's Sheltering Wings by John Meekin
Convictions - Shawn St Clair
Doctrinal Statements(3) - Justification by John Meekin
The Blessing of the Lord - A.S.
Messages of Comfort Series - Discipleship(1) - Bernie Payne
Lessons from the Tabernacle Series #7 - The Coverings & Curtains Pt2 by Bernie Payne
Meditation for Monday - January 31/2022
Monday Meditations - January 31/2022
Shammah's Field of Lentiles as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
Tidings for Tuesday - February 1/2022
Word for Wednesday - February 2/2022
Luke22, the Upper Room, as a Picture of the New Testament Assembly - David Hierlihy
Thought for Thursday - February 3/2022
Food for Friday - February 4/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - February 5/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - February 6/2022
Monday Meditations - The Brook Kidron
Meditation for Monday - February 7/2022
The Tables of David & Solomon's as a Picture of the Lord's Table - Murray McCandless
Tidings for Tuesday - February 8/2022
Word for Wednesday - February 9/2022
Thought for Thursday - February 10/2022
Food for Friday - February 11/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - February 12/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - February 13/2022
Monday Meditations - February 14/2022
Meditation for Monday - February 14/2022
Tidings for Tuesday - February 15/2022
Bethany as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
Word for Wednesday - February 16/2022
Our Role as Christians - Peter Ramsay
Thought for Thursday - February 17/2022
Food for Friday - February 18/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - February 19/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - February 20/2022
Summary - February 21/2022
Meditation for Monday - February 21/2022
Tidings for Tuesday - February 22/2022
The Upper Room as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
Word for Wednesday - February 23/2022
Thought for Thursday - February 24/2022
Food for Friday - February 25/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - February 26/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - February 27/2022
Meditation for Monday - February 28/2022
Monday Meditation - That They May Behold My Glory
Doctrinal Statements(4) - Righteousness by John Meekin
Why a 'Back Seat'? by Norman Crawford
Behold He Cometh by A.S.
Messages of Comfort Series - Discipleship(2) by Bernie Payne
Lessons from the Tabernacle Series#8-The Tabernacle Door by Bernie Payne
Let Us Now Retrace the Pathway by James Wherry (1908-1984)
Seeing Eye Shrimp
The Church & the Churches - Murray McCandless
Tidings for Tuesday - March 1/2022
Word for Wednesday - March 2/2022
Thought for Thursday - March 3/2022
Food for Friday - March 4/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - March 5/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - March 6/2022
Meditation for Monday - March 7/2022
Thought for Thursday - March 8/2022
Word for Wednesday - March 9/2022
Thought for Thursday - March 10/2022
Food for Friday - March 11/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - March 12/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - March 13/2022
Meditation for Monday - March 14/2022
Monday Meditations - The Waters
Tidings for Tuesday - March 15/2022
Word for Wednesday - March 16/2022
Thought for Thursday - March 17/2022
Food for Friday - March 18/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - March 19/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - March 20/2022
Meditation for Monday - March 21/2022
Monday Meditation - The Mathematics of Mercy
Tidings for Tuesday - March 22/2022
Word for Wednesday - March 23/2022
Thought for Thursday - March 24/2022
Food for Friday - March 25/2022
Sermonette for Saturday – March 26/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - March 27/2022
Meditation for Monday - March 28/2022
Tidings for Tuesday - March 29/2022
Word for Wednesday - March 30/2022
Thought for Thursday - March 31/2022
Food for Friday - April 1/2022
Masters of Deception
The Father of Eternity & Ages - Charles Rolls
Can We Refuse the Lord's Supper to a True Believer? by Norman Crawford
Doctrinal Statements(5) - Regeneration by John Meekin
Christ in Whom are Hid by A.S.
Messages of Comfort Series - Discipleship(3) by Bernie Payne
Lessons from the Tabernacle Series(9) - The Table of Shewbread by Bernie Payne
Sermonette for Saturday - April 2/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - April 3/2022
Monday Meditation - April 4/2022
Meditation for Monday - April 4/2022
Tidings for Tuesday - April 5/2022
Word for Wednesday - April 6/2022
Thought for Thursday - April 7/2022
Food for Friday - April 8/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - April 9/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - April 10/2022
Meditation for Monday - April 11/2022
Tidings for Tuesday - April 12/2022
Word for Wednesday - April 13/2022
Food for Friday - April 15/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - April 16/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - April 17/2022
Meditation for Monday - April 18/2022
Tidings for Tuesday - April 19/2022
Monday Meditation - Friend of Children
Word for Wednesday - April 20/2022
Thought for Thursday - April 21/2022
Food for Friday - April 22/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - April 23/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - April 24/2022
Meditation for Monday - April 25/2022
Monday Meditation - He Loved Him
Tidings for Tuesday - April 26/2022
Word for Wednesday - April 27/2022
Summerside PEI Winter Bible Readings - 2022(The Glory of Practical Christianity)
Thought for Thursday - April 28/2022
Food for Friday - April 29/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - April 30/2022
Doctrinal Statements(6) - Reconciliation by John Meekin
According to His Mercy by A.S.
Spiritual Balance by Norman Crawford
A Fit Man by Joel Portman
Messages of Comfort - Discipleship(4) The Measure by Bernie Payne
Lessons from the Tabernacle Series(10) The Golden Lampstand by Bernie Payne
Seat of the Unlearned or Backseat by Larry Steers
The Day of Christ by Brody Thibodeau
The Reality of Fearing God by Brandon Doll
The Miracle of the Word of God by Jonathan Procopio
Smart Squirrels & Maple Sugar
Teach Me, O Teach Me by Charles Rolls
Lesson for the Lord's Day - May 1/2022
Meditation for Monday - May 2/2022
Monday Meditations - May 2/2022 - More Disclosure
Tidings for Tuesday - May 3/2022
Word for Wednesday - May 4/2022
Thought for Thursday - May 5/2022
Food for Friday - May 6/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - May 7/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - May 8/2022
Meditation for Monday - May 9/2022
Monday Meditation - It Doesn't Get Any Better
Tidings for Tuesday - May 10/2022
Word for Wednesday - May 11/2022
Thought for Thursday - May 12/2022
Food for Friday - May 13/2022
Sermonette for Saturday - May 14/2022
Lesson for the Lord's Day - May 15/2022
Meditation for Monday - May 16/2022
Monday Meditation - Amen and Amen
Tidings for Tuesday - May 17/2022
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