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- A Christian Worldview: The Adequacy of Scripture
- Book: The Charismatic Movement Ch2 - The Day of Pentecost Pt1 (pages 4-6)
- Book: The Charismatic Movement Ch6 - The Filling with the Spirit Pt2 (pages 18-20)
- Book: Psalm119 Section 1 - 'Aleph' verses 1-8 (pages 1-4)
- Unity Between Believers in Romans - David Oliver
- The School of God - Eugene Higgins
- Our Conscience & Scripture - Alan Summers
- Monday Meditation - April 11/2022 - The Four
- Insulated Ears
- Thought for Thursday - January 5/2023
- Blind & Lame by Joel Portman
- Conviction as to ONE Gathering Center by Stan Wells
- Monday Mediation - Thy Salvation...Thy Glory
- Bees Temperature
- Sermonette for Saturday - July 29/2023
- Christian Contradictions by Joel Portman
- Humility by David Vallance
- What it means to be Separated to the Lord - G Koo
- The Letter to the Church at Pergamos - Bernie Payne
- Church of God by David Gilliland
- Matthew 5 pt1 by Sandy Higgins
- Matthew 5 pt2 by Sandy Higgins
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Recent Posts
- Bible Statistics
- Devotional Evangelism by Brody Thibodeau
- Members of the Body & Living Stones by Daniel Rudge
- Philippians pt3 by Bernie Payne
- Earths Tumult & Heavens Tranquility by Joel Portman
- Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Robert Plant
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- Glimpses of Christ’s Glory in John by Daniel Rudge
- 1Cor15 by David Gilliland