Browse Maritime Ministry
- The Cross Series - David Gilliland
- Sin When it is Finished - Peter Orasuk
- The 3:16's of Scripture-David Gilliland
- Digging in Deuteronomy - David Gilliland
- Discipleship Series-David Gilliland
- Eden Series-David Gilliland
- Honourable Men in Scripture-David Gilliland
- How to Balance the Christian Life-David Gilliland
- Jeremiah Series-David Gilliland
- Jericho Series-David Gilliland
- Joseph Series-David Gilliland
- Mark's Gospel-David Gilliland
- People Conquering-David Gilliland
- Perfection in... by David Gilliland
- Quality Christianity-David Gilliland
- Saul's Battles-David Gilliland
- Scenes at Jordan - David Gilliland
- Scriptural Geography of the Psalms - David Gilliland
- Second Things in the Bible-David Gilliland
- Servants Who Contemplated Quitting Their Post-David Gilliland
- Shechem Series-David Gilliland
- Ships Series by David Gilliland
- Thinking?
- A Risen Christ - David Gilliland
- Looking at Life Through Bible Windows - David Gilliland
- Blind Oversight - Michael Penfold
- Bible Weights & Measures
- Overview of the Gospels - David Gilliland
- Submission to... by John Dennison
- Redemption, Forgiveness & Grace - John McIlvenna
- Which Hope We Have as an Anchor of the Soul - John McIlvenna
- The Pillar and Ground of the Truth - John McIlvenna
- Peace be Still - John McIlvenna
- Alas, My Master! How shall we Do? - John McIlvenna
- Spiritual Person of Gal6 - Sandy Higgins
- Thomas & His Faith - John McIlvenna
- Jabez - John McIlvenna
- The Hidden Wisdom of God - John McIlvenna
- But Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God... - John McIlvenna
- Heard Unspeakable Words - John McIlvenna
- Importunity in Prayer - John McIlvenna
- Gathered in the Name of the Lord - John McIlvenna
- The Lord Jesus was a Real Man - John McIlvenna
- We are Ambassadors for Christ - John McIlvenna
- Lighthouse - Murray McCandless
- Maritime News - June 23/2021
- Jim MacIntosh's Corner - July 23/2021
- Jim MacIntosh's Corner - June 24/2021
- Summerside PEI 2020 Fall Bible Readings - The Life of Moses
- Summerside PEI 2019 Fall Bible Readings - The Life of Paul
Jim MacIntosh's Corner - June 25/2021
- Jim MacIntosh's Corner - June 26/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - June 27/2021
- Meditation for Monday - June 28/2021
- Maritime Ministry Edition June2021
- Thou Life of My life
- Maritime Ministry Edition July 2021
- Isaiah 53 turned into a Hymn - Jim MacIntosh
- Tidings for Tuesday - June 29/2021
- Are the modern translations correct to replace the older phrase ‘only begotten’ with the newer phrase ‘one and only son’?
- Rejoice & Shout - Murray McCandless
- Word for Wednesday - June 30/2021
- Let Us of Heb4 - David Hierlihy
- Thought for Thursday - July 1/2021
- Food for Friday - July 2/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - July 3/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - July 4/2021
- Meditation for Monday - July 5/2021
- Tiding for Tuesday - July 6/2021
- Word for Wednesday - July 7/2021
- Thought for Thursday - July 8/2021
- Food for Friday - July 9/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - July 10/2021
- Sermonette for Sunday - July 11/2021
- Meditation for Monday - July 12/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - July 13/2021
- Word for Wednesday - July 14/2021
- Thought for Thursday - July 15/2021
- Food for Friday - July 16/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - July 17/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - July 18/2021
- Meditation for Monday - July 19/2021
- Monday Meditations - July 19/2021 - Molding & Motivation
- Tidings for Tuesday - July 20/21
- Word for Wednesday - July 21/2021
- Thought for Thursday - July 22/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - July 24/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - July 25/2021
- Meditation for Monday - July 26/2021
- Monday Meditations - Only God Fully Knew - July 26/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - July 27/2021
- Word for Wednesday - July 28/2021
- Thought for Thursday - July 29/2021
- Food for Friday - July 30/2021
- August 1/2021 News - Brody Thibodeau
- Husbands Love Your Wives - Murray McCandless
- What Makes a Meeting an Assembly Meeting - Michael Penfold
- Lessons from the Tabernacle #1 - Bernie Payne
- Carest Thou Not? - Jim McIntosh
- Sermonette for Saturday - July 31/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - August 1/2021
- Meditation for Monday - August 2/2021
- Monday Mediation - August 2/2021 - Myrrh
- Tidings for Tuesday - August 3/2021
- Word for Wednesday - August 4/2021
- Thought for Thursday - August 5/2021
- 2012 Gospel Message by Robert McIlwaine
- Sermonette for Saturday - August 7/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - July 8/2021
- Monday Meditations -August 9/2021 - Joseph...Like Yet Unlike
- Meditation for Monday - August 9/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - August 10/2021
- Word for Wednesday - August 11/2021
- Thought for Thursday - August 12/2021
- Food for Friday - August 13/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - August 14/2021
- Meditation for Monday - August 16/2021
- Monday Meditations - Diamonds in Deuteronomy
- Robert McIlwaine's funeral
- Tidings for Tuesday - August 17/2021
- Word for Wednesday - August 18/2021
- Thought for Thursday - August 19/2021
- Food for Friday - August 20/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - August 21/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - August 22/2021
- Meditation for Monday - August 23/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - August 24/2021
- Word for Wednesday - August 25/2021
- Thought for Thursday - August 26/2021
- Food for Friday - August 28/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - August 28/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - August 29/2021
- Meditation for Monday - August 30/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - August 31/2021
- God Singing - Murray McCandless
- Lessons from the Tabernacle - The Brazen Altar
- Lessons from the Tabernacle - The Brazen Altar - Bernie Payne
- The Crimson Thread - Jim MacIntosh
- Maritime News - September 1/2021
- Word for Wednesday - September 1/2021
- Thought for Thursday - September 2/2021
- Food for Friday - September 3/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - September 4/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - September 5/2021
- Meditation for Monday - September 6/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - September 7/2021
- Word for Wednesday - September 8/2021
- Thought for Thursday - September 9/2021
- Food for Friday - September 10/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - September 11/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - September 12/2021
- Meditation for Monday - September 13/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - September 14/2021
- Word for Wednesday - September 15/2021
- Thought for Thursday -September 16/2021
- Food for Friday - September 17/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - September 18/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - September 19/2021
- Meditation for Monday - September 20/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - September 21/2021
- Word for Wednesday - September 22/2021
- Maritime News for Sept 22/2021
- Thought for Thursday - September 23/2021
- Food for Friday - September 24/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - September 25/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - September 26/2021
- Meditation for Monday - September 27/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - September 28/2021
- Word for Wednesday - September 29/2021
- Thought for Thursday - September 30/2021
- The Trial of your Faith - Murray McCandless
- Lessons from the Tabernacle Series -The Laver#3 - Bernie Payne
- Messages of Comfort Series - Consecration#1 - Bernie Payne
- On that most holy morn... - W. Kirkpatrick
- The Sparrow - John Meekin
- Food for Friday - October 1/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - October 2/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 3/2021
- Meditation for Monday - October 4/2021
- Monday Meditations - Broken Bones
- Tidings for Tuesday - October 5/2021
- Word for Wednesday - October 6/2021
- Thought for Thursday - October 7/2021
- Food for Friday - October 8/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - October 9/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 10/2021
- Meditation for Monday - October 11/2021
- Praise Waits for the Man or Men Wait for Praise - October 11/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - October 12/2021
- Word for Wednesday - October 13/2021
- Thought for Thursday - October 14/2021
- Food for Friday - October 15/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - October 16/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 17/2021
- Meditation for Monday - October 18/2021
- Monday Meditations - God Visiting the Earth
- Tidings for Tuesday - October 19/2021
- Word for Wednesday - October 20/2021
- Thought for Thursday - October 21/2021
- Food for Friday - October 21/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - October 23/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 24/2021
- Meditation for Monday - October 25/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - October 26/2021
- Word for Wednesday - October 27/2021
- Thought for Thursday - October 28/2021
- Food for Friday - October 29/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - October 30/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - October 31/2021
- David Dealing with Troubles - Robert McPheat
- Meditation for Monday - November 1/2021
- Creation Facts - The Bottomless Suitcase
- Christ is All - Charles J Rolls
- All About Them of Him - Murray McCandless
- Lessons from the Tabernacle Series #4 - The High Priest - Bernie Payne
- Messages of Comfort Series - Consecration#2 - Bernie Payne
- What Manner of Man - A.S.
- Tidings for Tuesday - November 2/2021
- Word for Wednesday - November 3/2021
- Thought for Thursday - November 4/2021
- Food for Friday - November 5/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - November 6/2021
- Lessons for the Lord's Day - November 7/2021
- Meditation for Monday - November 8/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - November 9/2021
- Word for Wednesday - November 10/2021
- Remarks for Remembrance Day - November 11/2021
- Food for Friday - November 12/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - November 13/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - November 14/2021
- Meditation for Monday - November 15/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - November 16/2021
- Blues Mills NS Conference 2021
- Clementsvale NS Conference 2021
- Word for Wednesday - November 17/2021
- Halifax NS Bible Reading Conference 2019 - 1Thessalonians
- Halifax NS Bible Reading Conference 2018 - Philippians
- Thought for Thursday - November 18/2021
- Food for Friday - November 19/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - November 20/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - November 21/2021
- Monday Meditations - Angels
- Meditation for Monday - November 22/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - November 23/2021
- Word for Wednesday - November 24/2021
- Thought for Thursday - November 25/2021
- Food for Friday - November 26/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - November 27/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - November 28/2021
- Meditation for Monday - November 29/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - November 30/2021
- Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, and Today, and for the Ages - Charles Rolls
- Blind Luck Smarter than Top Programmers
- Doctrinal Statements(1) - Forgiveness - John Meekin
- The Cloud by Day and the Pillar of Fire by Night - Jonathan Procopio
- The Temptation of Jesus - Michael Penfold
- Word for Wednesday - December 1/2021
- Divisions Among Us - Murray McCandless
- Lessons from the Tabernacle Series #5 - The Bases, Boards & Bars - Bernie Payne
- Messages of Comfort Series - Motive of Consecration #3 - Bernie Payne
- Thought for Thursday - December 2/2021
- Food for Friday - December 3/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - December 4/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - December 5/2021
- Meditation for Monday - December 6/2021
- Monday Meditation - Join all the Glorious Names
- Tidings for Tuesday - December 7/2021
- Word for Wednesday - December 8/2021
- Thought for Thursday - December 9/2021
- Food for Friday - December 10/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - December 11/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - December 12/2021
- Summerside PEI 2021 Fall Bible Readings - The Life of Joshua
- Meditation for Monday - December 13/2021
- Monday Meditations - December 13/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - December 14/2021
- Word for Wednesday - December 15/2021
- Thought for Thursday - December 16/2021
- Food for Friday - December 17/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - December 18/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - December 19/2021
- Meditation for Monday - December 20/2021
- Monday Meditations - The Privileged Three
- Tidings for Tuesday - December 21/2021
- Word for Wednesday - December 22/2021
- Thought for Thursday - December 23/2021
- Food for Friday - December 24/2021
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - December 26/2021
- Monday Meditations - December 27/2021
- Meditation for Monday - December 27/2021
- Tidings for Tuesday - December 28/2021
- Word for Wednesday - December 29/2021
- Thought for Thursday - December 30/2021
- Food for Friday - December 31/2021
- Sermonette for Saturday - January 1/2022
- The Wonder of Wonders
- How Many Smells can you Smell?
- Satan's Attack on the Gospel - Michael Penfold
- Old & New - Murray McCandless
- Messages of Comfort Series - The Measure of Consecration #4 - Bernie Payne
- Lessons from the Tabernacle Series #6 - The Coverings & Curtains Pt1
- Continue in My Word - A.S.
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 2/2022
- Meditation for Monday - January 3/2022
- Monday Meditations - The Resurrection
- Tidings for Tuesday - January 4/2022
- Word for Wednesday - January 5/2022
- Thought for Thursday - January 6/2022
- Food for Friday - January 7/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - January 8/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 9/2022
- Christ and Moses - January 10/2022
- Meditation for Monday - January 10/2022
- Tidings for Tuesday - January 11/2022
- Word for Wednesday - January 12/2022
- Thought for Thursday - January 13/2022
- Food for Friday - January 14/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - January 15/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 16/2022
- Meditation for Monday - January 17/2022
- Monday Meditations - None Like Him
- Tidings for Tuesday - January 18/2022
- Word for Wednesday - January 19/2022
- Thought for Thursday - January 20/2022
- Food for Friday - January 21/2020
- The Burning Bush as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
- Sermonette for Saturday - January 22/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 23/2022
- Meditation for Monday - January 24/2022
- Monday Meditations - January 24/2022
- Naboth's Vineyard as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
- Tidings for Tuesday - January 25/2022
- Word for Wednesday - January 26/2022
- Don't Give Up - Lessons from Benaiah - Brody Thibodeau
- Thought for Thursday - January 27/2022
- Food for Friday - January 28/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - January 29/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - January 30/2022
- Be Still - Eugene Higgins
- A Rose is Still a Rose
- That Cruel Tree
- The Lord's Sheltering Wings by John Meekin
- Convictions - Shawn St Clair
- Doctrinal Statements(3) - Justification by John Meekin
- The Blessing of the Lord - A.S.
- Messages of Comfort Series - Discipleship(1) - Bernie Payne
- Lessons from the Tabernacle Series #7 - The Coverings & Curtains Pt2 by Bernie Payne
- Meditation for Monday - January 31/2022
- Monday Meditations - January 31/2022
- Shammah's Field of Lentiles as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
- Tidings for Tuesday - February 1/2022
- Word for Wednesday - February 2/2022
- Luke22, the Upper Room, as a Picture of the New Testament Assembly - David Hierlihy
- Thought for Thursday - February 3/2022
- Food for Friday - February 4/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - February 5/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - February 6/2022
- Monday Meditations - The Brook Kidron
- Meditation for Monday - February 7/2022
- The Tables of David & Solomon's as a Picture of the Lord's Table - Murray McCandless
- Tidings for Tuesday - February 8/2022
- Word for Wednesday - February 9/2022
- Thought for Thursday - February 10/2022
- Food for Friday - February 11/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - February 12/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - February 13/2022
- Monday Meditations - February 14/2022
- Meditation for Monday - February 14/2022
- Tidings for Tuesday - February 15/2022
- Bethany as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
- Word for Wednesday - February 16/2022
- Our Role as Christians - Peter Ramsay
- Thought for Thursday - February 17/2022
- Food for Friday - February 18/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - February 19/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - February 20/2022
- Summary - February 21/2022
- Meditation for Monday - February 21/2022
- Tidings for Tuesday - February 22/2022
- The Upper Room as a Picture of the Local Assembly - Murray McCandless
- Word for Wednesday - February 23/2022
- Thought for Thursday - February 24/2022
- Food for Friday - February 25/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - February 26/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - February 27/2022
- Meditation for Monday - February 28/2022
- Monday Meditation - That They May Behold My Glory
- Doctrinal Statements(4) - Righteousness by John Meekin
- Why a 'Back Seat'? by Norman Crawford
- Behold He Cometh by A.S.
- Messages of Comfort Series - Discipleship(2) by Bernie Payne
- Lessons from the Tabernacle Series#8-The Tabernacle Door by Bernie Payne
- Let Us Now Retrace the Pathway by James Wherry (1908-1984)
- Seeing Eye Shrimp
- The Church & the Churches - Murray McCandless
- Tidings for Tuesday - March 1/2022
- Word for Wednesday - March 2/2022
- Thought for Thursday - March 3/2022
- Food for Friday - March 4/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - March 5/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - March 6/2022
- Meditation for Monday - March 7/2022
- Thought for Thursday - March 8/2022
- Word for Wednesday - March 9/2022
- Thought for Thursday - March 10/2022
- Food for Friday - March 11/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - March 12/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - March 13/2022
- Meditation for Monday - March 14/2022
- Monday Meditations - The Waters
- Tidings for Tuesday - March 15/2022
- Word for Wednesday - March 16/2022
- Thought for Thursday - March 17/2022
- Food for Friday - March 18/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - March 19/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - March 20/2022
- Meditation for Monday - March 21/2022
- Monday Meditation - The Mathematics of Mercy
- Tidings for Tuesday - March 22/2022
- Word for Wednesday - March 23/2022
- Thought for Thursday - March 24/2022
- Food for Friday - March 25/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday – March 26/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - March 27/2022
- Meditation for Monday - March 28/2022
- Tidings for Tuesday - March 29/2022
- Word for Wednesday - March 30/2022
- Thought for Thursday - March 31/2022
- Food for Friday - April 1/2022
- Masters of Deception
- The Father of Eternity & Ages - Charles Rolls
- Can We Refuse the Lord's Supper to a True Believer? by Norman Crawford
- Doctrinal Statements(5) - Regeneration by John Meekin
- Christ in Whom are Hid by A.S.
- Messages of Comfort Series - Discipleship(3) by Bernie Payne
- Lessons from the Tabernacle Series(9) - The Table of Shewbread by Bernie Payne
- Sermonette for Saturday - April 2/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - April 3/2022
- Monday Meditation - April 4/2022
- Meditation for Monday - April 4/2022
- Tidings for Tuesday - April 5/2022
- Word for Wednesday - April 6/2022
- Thought for Thursday - April 7/2022
- Food for Friday - April 8/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - April 9/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - April 10/2022
- Meditation for Monday - April 11/2022
- Tidings for Tuesday - April 12/2022
- Word for Wednesday - April 13/2022
- Food for Friday - April 15/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - April 16/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - April 17/2022
- Meditation for Monday - April 18/2022
- Tidings for Tuesday - April 19/2022
- Monday Meditation - Friend of Children
- Word for Wednesday - April 20/2022
- Thought for Thursday - April 21/2022
- Food for Friday - April 22/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - April 23/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - April 24/2022
- Meditation for Monday - April 25/2022
- Monday Meditation - He Loved Him
- Tidings for Tuesday - April 26/2022
- Word for Wednesday - April 27/2022
- Summerside PEI Winter Bible Readings - 2022(The Glory of Practical Christianity)
- Thought for Thursday - April 28/2022
- Food for Friday - April 29/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - April 30/2022
- Doctrinal Statements(6) - Reconciliation by John Meekin
- According to His Mercy by A.S.
- Spiritual Balance by Norman Crawford
- A Fit Man by Joel Portman
- Messages of Comfort - Discipleship(4) The Measure by Bernie Payne
- Lessons from the Tabernacle Series(10) The Golden Lampstand by Bernie Payne
- Seat of the Unlearned or Backseat by Larry Steers
- The Day of Christ by Brody Thibodeau
- The Reality of Fearing God by Brandon Doll
- The Miracle of the Word of God by Jonathan Procopio
- Smart Squirrels & Maple Sugar
- Teach Me, O Teach Me by Charles Rolls
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - May 1/2022
- Meditation for Monday - May 2/2022
- Monday Meditations - May 2/2022 - More Disclosure
- Tidings for Tuesday - May 3/2022
- Word for Wednesday - May 4/2022
- Thought for Thursday - May 5/2022
- Food for Friday - May 6/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - May 7/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - May 8/2022
- Meditation for Monday - May 9/2022
- Monday Meditation - It Doesn't Get Any Better
- Tidings for Tuesday - May 10/2022
- Word for Wednesday - May 11/2022
- Thought for Thursday - May 12/2022
- Food for Friday - May 13/2022
- Sermonette for Saturday - May 14/2022
- Lesson for the Lord's Day - May 15/2022
- Meditation for Monday - May 16/2022
- Monday Meditation - Amen and Amen
- Tidings for Tuesday - May 17/2022
February 2025 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Search