by Eugene Higgins
What in the world is going on here?
The above question is not from an exasperated parent, suddenly questioning the behavior of her irascible children. It is meant as a question for us, today, at this stage in the world’s history. What really is going on right now, here, in this world? Without question, the corona virus is a real and deadly threat, and scientists and medical experts have been working feverishly to find a cure, a vaccine. But one gets the feeling that something more is afoot, that a side issue is occurring at the same time, riding the wave of public panic Many Americans understand why the media here are so anxious for an economic meltdown, (and it is axiomatic that, for news sources, downturns create upticks). But the media, almost worldwide, seem to be reading from the same script and aiming for the same effect. As a caveat, please let me say that I am not conspiratorial. I don’t see demons hiding behind every bush or lurking beneath ever leaf. It is certainly not a mark of healthy Christianity to dwell on such things. But throughout human history from Genesis 3 until now, evil forces – ubiquitously and maliciously – have been at work; and numerous places in the Word of God allow us to see something of their malevolent activity.
Apropos of that, few books of the Bible are as astonishing as the Book of Daniel. It may not be at the top of everyone’s list of “My Favorite Bible Books” or “Easy Readings for Lazy August Beach Days.” But except for, perhaps, Zechariah, there likely is not another book among the 39 comprising the Old Testament that so vividly – and stunningly – draws back the curtain on the spirit world and reveals what is happening. The early chapters of Job are, of course, similar; but when you add in Daniel’s razor- sharp revelations of the future and the pin-point precision of his prophecies, his is a remarkable book.
For example, Daniel writes of the rise of kings (Alexander the Great, Antiochus Epiphanes, the Ptolemies) and the ruin of kingdoms (Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greek, Roman). His chapters are rich with these references, brimming with behind-the-scenes glimpses of, what, to us, are unseen agents and spirit beings. Here are some of those passages:
• In chapter 4, “a watcher and a holy one” comes down from heaven to pass sentence from God on an arrogant ruler.
• In Chapter 6, an angel is sent to muzzle the mouth of lions.
• In chapter 7, Daniel writes about “a man” he sees in his vision: “I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth of all this.”
• In chapter 8, in a vision, he sees and hears a conversation in the spirit realm, “Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, ‘How long shall be the vision … ‘“
• Again, in chapter 8, Daniel writes about the presence and words of an angel named Gabriel, of whom Luke will also write in Luke chapters 1&2.
• In chapter 9, (one of the Bible’s most significant chapters), Daniel speaks of “the prince that shall come” and the future troubles involving the city of Jerusalem just prior to the return from Heaven of the King of Kings.
• In chapter 11, Daniel takes us on a tour of a royal art museum with portraits of kings hanging on the north and south walls of the hallway. These royal portraits are unique because these kings were all future, not past; soon to come, not long gone. Someone has said that “prophecy is history written before it happens,” and in this chapter, Daniel chronicles the coming wars between kings from the south (of Israel) and kings from the north. He also foresees and writes about the famous Maccabean rebellion.
• And in chapter 12, in his vision, he is not only aware of “two” who are standing near the river, but of Michael, “the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people.” In the New Testament, Jude identifies Michael as “the archangel.”
However, it is chapter 10 where the reader is left reeling at the revelation that unfolds. We learn in quick succession (1) that forces of darkness were arrayed against Daniel to hinder his prayers; (2) that Daniel sees demon forces at work, behind the thrones of some world rulers, goading and prodding governments to accomplish sinister aims and pernicious purposes; (3) that, consequently, these evil powers employ some earthly rulers and potentates as puppets to achieve their goals; and (4) that (although we do not know whether it is constant or not), there is a spiritual battle going on in the unseen world.
So, today, what’s going on here? What follows is just a quick rundown.
- Almost with the snap of their collective fingers, the leaders of the world were able to place millions of people under what was tantamount to house arrest. We willingly complied because we believed it was for the common good and the welfare of our families. Remarkably, authorities were able to inculcate in us a sense of guilt about transgressing those prohibitions! Thankfully, this likely saved countless lives; but another train, with a different destination, seemed to be running almost simultaneously on a side rail.
- Perhaps giddy with governmental overreach and new-found power, some authorities in the heart of America’s Bible Belt banned religious services and ticketed people, even if they remained in their cars when attending.
- In another state, police arrested 3 (iii) three people for meeting in a private home.
- In Italy, some areas wanted to stipulate separate days for men and women to shop; hefty fines were threatened for any infringement.
- In Australia, a couple was fined $3,000 (Australian dollars) for “non-essential
travel” based on vacation pictures they posted on Facebook. The pictures were from last year. Perhaps that fact will lead to a refund, but the real lesson from this is that “Big Brother is watching.”
• Some governments have used drones to scan city streets and ferret out transgressors who go outdoors unnecessarily.
- Residents have been asked (and have complied with the request) to spy on their neighbors and report anyone leaving her or his house for non-essential reasons.
- A county in Maryland wanted to propose specific days for grocery shopping based (alphabetically) on the last names of the shoppers.
- One authority, who later had to walk back this statement, said that police would be checking bags when people left stores to make sure they bought only as much as they needed.
- Executives with a well-known Center, (which will remain unnamed), stated that the solution to problems such as this pandemic was
“more globalization of the American economy.”
So let’s put the jumbled jigsaw pieces together:
- Is it possible to get millions of people, in a multitude of countries, to obey a common – global – command or law?
- Is it possible to outlaw Bible readings and “church” meetings – and do this in such a way that the majority of people agree that this is the correct thing?
- Is it possible to initiate a way to control who shops and when, along with whatthey buy and how much?
- Is it possible for the government to surveil what you say or write or post online,as well as where you go or plan to go?
- Is it possible for many people all over the world to want their borders dissolvedso there is a one-world government of supposedly sufficient size, wealth, authority, and power to solve our problems and make everyone “obey”?
The kind of dystopia which all that describes, and which the Bible foresees and foretells, took one giant leap forward in the opening months of 2020. Have we been witnessing a dry run – a preview – of some of the strictures and restraints that will be in force in a coming day or will things be back to “normal” in a few months? There are many who, by their own confession, are hoping and working to use this crisis to further their agendas – agendas that are eerily in keeping with end time conditions revealed in scripture. It is not necessary to think of any of the world leaders as inchoate Antichrists or budding Beasts. However, Daniel shows us that there are forces at work behind the scenes – “the power behind the throne,” if you will – that guide and manipulate some world rulers. That there is a puppet-master directing it all should not surprise us. The Apostle Paul told us that “The mystery of iniquity doth already work” – and that was in the first century!
As I said, it may be that in a few weeks, all this will die down and the roiling waves will settle back to some semblance of normalcy. But it also may be that these are the stirrings of Divine activity; that the Lord is reminding us that His return is drawing near; that He is rekindling in our oft-cold hearts a longing to see Him. With remarkable patience, the Savior has awaited the moment when His bride would be by His side. Perhaps that moment is very, very soon. F. B. Meyer once asked D L. Moody, “What is the secret of your (evangelistic) success?” Moody replied, “For many years I have never given an address without the consciousness that the Lord may come before I have finished.” After not preaching in a public Gospel meeting for over a month, I am beginning to think that the Lord may come before I have started.
Likely, this has been a discouraging read, so allow me to try to do what almost every one of the 150 Psalms does – end with the darkness dispelled. In his 7th chapter, Daniel saw something beyond the deception of demons and the clash of kings at war. Here are his sublime words: “I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him. And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.” |
It may be another twenty years before we are in His presence, or it may be today. Fearsome forces are striving to bring our world to a boiling point. All of this could easily trouble our minds and disquiet our spirits. The scriptures remind us not only to “fear not,” but to “fret not.” The words of Samuel Bernard breathe peace to our hearts. Stitching his verses together, they read thus: “In vain does Satan then oppose”; “In vain our enemies oppose”; “In vain do sin and death oppose”; and then the last lines of the last chorus –“In vain the mightiest pow’rs oppose For God is stronger than His foes.“ |