LURGAN 2016 – 1THESS 4-5 & 2THESS 1-3
BR01-Lurgan2016-David West-1Thess4 1-18 The Pathway of Righteousness
BR02-Lurgan2016-D McAllister-1Thess5 1-28 The Day of the Lord
BR03-Lurgan2016-J Hay-2Thess1 1-2 12 The Manifestation of the Saviour
BR04-Lurgan2016-D Gilliland-2Thess2 13-3 18 The Adherence to the Word
M01-Lurgan2016-J Fleck-Encouragement for Believers in the pathway of life
M02-Lurgan2016-J Hay-An exhortation to be a faithful Witness for the Lord Daily
M05-Lurgan2016-D West-The Bibical Prospective of growing old
M06-Lurgan2016-D Gilliland-Believers can thank the Lord Jesus for his Saving and Keeping Grace
M07-Lurgan2016-D West-Will we hear Well Pleased at the Judgement Seat
M09-Lurgan2016-J Hay-Living in light of the Lords Return
M10-Lurgan2016-M Radcliffe-Rebekah A picture of believers as Christs Bride
G01-Lurgan2016-D West-God commandeth all men everywhere to repent
G02-Lurgan2016-J Hay-Man has a choice – Repent or Perish
G03-Lurgan2016-G Woods-God draweth Souls to Christ through the Gospel
G04-Lurgan2016-D West-God commandeth all men everywhere to repent
MR01-Lurgan2016-M Gebaro , T Meekin-Brazil
MR02-Lurgan2016-T Wright-Brazil